Students Voice

Joey Chu (BECE Year 2)

The mentorship programme was undoubtedly one of the highlights of our programme, during which I was honored to meet with my mentors. They taught me a lot about the requirements of a kindergarten teacher from the point of view of principals, as well as things I must keep in mind as a male kindergarten teacher, like distances I must keep and red lines I must not cross.

Cherry So (BECE Year 2)

I got more information about learning domains and planning a lesson. Through the class and different activities, I developed a more concrete view on this field and became more ready to become a kindergarten teacher.

Zoe To (BECE Year 2)

I was happy to be a member of CUHK early childhood programme, where I met my lovable classmates and teachers.
I look forward to teaching. When others shared their teaching experienced, I wondered if my teaching could be as interesting as theirs in the future.

Katie Tsoi (BECE Year 2)

I always wanted to teach kids, as I know early childhood is their key learning stage; most of the knowledge acquired in this period is usable for their whole life. As a preservice teacher who understood the importance of early childhood education, I was happy to finally learn professional teaching skills.

Christy Yeung (BECE Year 2)

It was thrilling to attend classes in this programme as I was learning about that which interested me most. It confirmed my feeling that being a kindergarten teacher would never be an easy job, but a true profession.