Other Resources
General student support | |
Student Services Centre, Office of Student Affairs
3943 8650 /
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Learning Enhancement Service
3943 1533 /
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Support for non-local students
Incoming Students Section, Office of Student Affairs
Student Counselling and Development Unit, Office of Student Affairs
Disability services
Disability Services Coordinating Committee
Health and Safety | |
General information
University Health Service
Enquiries: 3943 6422 / Appointments: 3943 6439
Career planning and development
Career Planning and Development Centre, Office of Student Affairs
Student Exchange Programmes
Office of Academic Links
Student Activities
Student Activities and Amenities Section, Office of Student Affairs
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
Academic Support Units
University Library System
2603 6699 (24-hour Hotline)
Independent Learning Centre
Website: http://www5.cuhk.edu.hk/ilc/
Language Unit
Yale-China Chinese Language Centre
College Advising
CW Chu College has put in an advisory system to help students navigate through their studies and life at the University. The College advisory system complements the academic advising in faculties and departments, and will focus more on areas of personal growth other than subject-specific studies. The objective is to ensure that every student will progress at the normal rate and graduate in time, unless there are intrinsic academic or health reasons beyond the ability of the College to deal with.
Advising arrangements
The key spirit of student advising in a small college is personal contact: the College hopes to get to know each student, and to find out their individual needs. Thus the College Master and the Dean of Students will meet all first-year students (in groups) within the first few weeks of the term, in an informal/ social context, to develop a sense of familiarity and to encourage students to come forward when help is needed.
An Extended Orientation to be held during the first few weeks of Term 1 will deal with adjustments to university life: time management, stress management, attitudes to studying, avenues for help.
The College website also provides links to offices and resources from which help may be sought.
At a more formal level, every Year 1 student will be assigned a College Advisor. Each of 12 teachers will take care of 6-7 students; they will meet at least once a term either on an individual or a group basis, e.g. during communal dining. The matching of Advisors and Advisees is done based on their faculty affiliation and cultural backgrounds.
Where there are special needs or circumstances, the Dean of Students will assign a special Advisor to provide more individualized attention. This Advisor may be selected to be in the same faculty/department as the student if the needs have an academic component; or to be from the same cultural background if the issues are non-academic and more personal; in certain cases, it may be necessary to match the gender. Since circumstances will vary, the assignment will be made on a case-by-case basis by the Dean of Students.
Where there are specific needs, the College will work with other units such as the Student Counselling and Development Service (SCDS).
Questions may be directed to the Dean of Students.
It is the distinct philosophy and mission of the University to cultivate well-rounded students with solid training in a discipline and whole-person development, in order to meet long-term needs and prepare for future challenges. Consequently, a comprehensive academic advisory system is established in the University. While academic units (Programmes/Departments) are primarily responsible for academic advising to ensure effective learning is in place, colleges focus on pastoral care and whole-person education through the provision of various forms of non-formal and experiential learning opportunities.
In line with this spirit and guiding principle of the University advisory system, the main goal of student advising in CW Chu College is No Student Left Behind: the College will try to ensure that every student will progress at the normal rate and graduate in time, unless there are intrinsic academic or medical reasons beyond the ability of the College to deal with. To this end, College will also seek to work closely with all relevant offices and academic units across the University to ensure a fruitful and integrated experience is realized with various advisers, as students develop intellectually, professionally and socially throughout their four years of undergraduate study with us. The success of an advisory effort rests upon a genuine partnership between the student and the advisor in which mutual engagement and responsiveness are integral. It is therefore along this line of thinking that the present College advisory system is established.