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Learning Outcomes, Learning Activities and Assessment

Extended orientation (required)
  • it aims to help students of CW Chu College to make adjustments to university life smoothly and become part of the College community
  • it is expected that through a series of designed College talks, workshops and activities, freshmen will develop a positive attitude towards university life
Communal dining and High Table dinners (required)
  • provide the occasions for interaction among students and also with College teachers
  • students may take these opportunities to share news/ interests and exchange ideas with other College members which may help enhance their bonding and sense of belonging to the College
  • students will be encouraged to express their views/ ideas/ opinions through the casual sharing sessions held at the communal dinners
  • with the guidance from College teachers, students will learn proper presentation skills and social manners via these College gatherings
  • guest speakers from all walks of life will be invited to deliver short dinner talks which will help widen students’ horizons and range of experiences
  • students will be able to meet distinguished persons/ leading figures from different sectors of the community who will share their wisdom and insights through High Table dinners
Service (voluntary)
  • in line with the Vision Statement of the College to be ‘involved’, students will be encouraged to participate in social and community services that reflect their interests and engage their passions; they may also make use of their own skills and aptitudes in the service of others
  • through such service opportunities, students will learn and grow, and develop responsibility and leadership
