Programme Requirements

Programme Requirements

The programme comprises three areas: (a) Foundation Theories of Chinese Curriculum and Instruction, (b) Studies on Different Areas of Chinese Language Teaching, (c) Educational Studies and Research: Electives, Methods of Educational Research and Research Practice. Students have to complete 6 – 9 units, 6 – 12 units and 6 – 12 units from these three areas respectively. Courses to be offered include:

Study Scheme

Students are required to complete a total of 24 units for graduation.

(i) Foundation Theories of Chinese Curriculum and Instruction 6-9 units
(ii) Studies on Different Areas of Chinese Language Teaching 6-12 units
(iii) Educational Studies and Research: Electives, Methods of Educational Research* and Research Practice 6-12 units
  *There are pre-requisites for PEDU 6404 & 6405. Please refer to Faculty handbook – course descriptions for details.
Total: 24 units
Others Requirements
  1. A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfil the graduation requirement.
  2. Students must fulfil the term assessment requirement of the Graduate School. A student who obtains a cumulative GPA below 2.0 in the preceding term will be put on academic probation. For details, please refer to Section 13.0 “Unsatisfactory performance and discontinuation of studies” of the general regulations governing postgraduate studies, which can be accessed from the Graduate School homepage:
Class Schedule

There are two terms per academic year. Term 1 is from September to December, and Term 2 from January to April. Classes are usually offered on weekday evenings and Saturday mornings.