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The Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership
The Centre logo is dervied from the ancient Chinese Character "Shou", which means "leader".

Structured Manager Training Programme

Under the school-based management spirit, aided schools are given more autonomy and greater funding flexibility to manage the operation and resources of the schools for the provision of quality education. In return, schools are expected to be more transparent and accountable for their operation and all key stakeholders should be involved in the decision-making process. As members of the Incorporated Management Committees (IMCs), school managers are playing an important role in leading and steering the school for improvement and providing an all-round education to students. In view of the proposed changes to the school governance framework to include stakeholders of different categories, the Education Bureau has commissioned The Chinese University of Hong Kong to organize a series of Structured Manager Training Programmes at different time slots in the 2014/15 school year (with 5 courses of Programme A; 4 courses of Programme B and one course of Programme C) aiming to enable serving and potential school managers to have a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities as school managers, and of school operation and management skills. Each Programme consists of five 3-hour sessions, totalling 15 contact hours. Participants may enrol, free of charge, in one of the Programmes that best suits his/her training needs. Serving and potential school managers are welcome to apply. In view of the limited provision of the training places, priority will be given to applicants who are serving school managers and applying for enrolment in the whole of the 15-hour Programme.