Department of Educational Psychology

LAM YU-HIN, Gary, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, BSocSc (CUHK), MA, EdS, PhD (South Florida), Licensed Psychologist (Georgia), NCSP

Gary Lam received his Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained his Master of Arts, Educational Specialist, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in School Psychology from the University of South Florida. He completed a clinical internship at the Center for Mental Health at the University of Pennsylvania and a postdoctoral fellowship at the Emory Autism Center at Emory University School of Medicine, focusing on research and services for the autistic community and their families and educators. He is a Licensed Psychologist in the state of Georgia and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist in the United States.
Autism, post-school transition, behavioral and mental health, psychological well-being, students with special educational needs, qualitative research, critical disability studies
  1. Lam, G. Y. H. , Sabnis, S., Migueliz Valcarlos, M., & Wolgemuth, J. (in press). A critical review of academic literature constructing well-being in autistic adults. Autism in Adulthood.
  2. Bernhardt, J. B., Lam, G. Y. H. , Thomas, T., Cubells, J. F., Bohlke, K., Reid, M., & Rice, C. E. (2020). Meaning in measurement: Evaluating young autistic adults' active engagement and expressed interest in quality-of-life goals. Autism in Adulthood, 2, 227-242.
  3. Lam, G. Y. H. , Holden, E., Fitzpatrick, M., Raffaele Mendez, L., & Berkman, K. (2020). “Different but connected”: A participatory action research using Photovoice to explore well-being in young adults with autism. Autism, 24, 1246-1259.
  4. Raffaele Mendez, L., Berkman, K., Lam, G. Y. H., & Dawkins, C. (2019). Fostering resilience among couples coparenting a young child with autism: An evaluation of Together We Are Stronger. American Journal of Family Therapy, 47, 165-182.
  5. Iao, L.-S., Wippich, A., & Lam, G. Y. H. (2018). Brief report: Discrimination of foreign speech pitch and autistic traits in non-clinical population. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 284-289.
  6. Cheng, S. T. T., Lam, G. Y. H. , & To, C. K. S. (2017). Pitch perception in tone language-speaking adults with and without Autism Spectrum Disorders. i-Perception, 8, 1-15.
  7. Lam, G. Y. H. (2017). Connecting theory, knowledge, and practice: A review of Action Research for Nurses. The Qualitative Report, 22, 2367-2368.
  8. Lam, G. Y. H. & Wong, Z. Y. W. (2017). 快樂王國:正向心理親子書 [Happy kingdom: Positive psychology book for parents and children]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
  9. Wolgemuth, J. R., Agosto, V., Lam, G. Y. H. , Riley, M. W., Jones, R., & Hicks, T. (2016). Storying transition-to-work for/and youth on the autism spectrum in the United States: A critical construct synthesis of academic literature. Disability & Society, 31, 777-797.
  10. To, C. K. S., Yim, S. F. Y., Lam, G. Y. H. , & Iao, L. S. (2016). Persuasion in Chinese school-age children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorders. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 31, 231-240.
  11. Suldo, S. M., & Lam, G. Y. H. (2016). Cross-cultural and international considerations. In S. M. Suldo, Promoting student happiness: Positive psychology interventions in school (pp. 135-145). New York: Guilford.
  12. To, C. K. S., Li, X. X., Lee, W. Y. R., Lam, G. Y. H., Cheung, C. Y. C., Cheung, F. Y. K., … McPherson, B. (2016). Talent acquisition – Can you be a “Bo Le”? [能人所不能,慧眼覓良人——你可以做伯樂嗎?] Hong Kong: Center for Communication Disorders, University of Hong Kong.
  13. Suldo, S. M., Hearon, B. V., Dickinson, S., Esposito, E., Wesley, K. L., Lynn, C., & Lam, G. Y. H. (2015). Adapting positive psychology interventions for use with elementary school children. National Association of School Psychologists Communique, 43, 4-8.
  14. Ogg, J., Montesino, M., Kozdras, D., Ornduff, R., Lam, G. Y. H., & Takagishi, J. (2015). Perceived mental health, behavioral, and adaptive needs for children in Medical Foster Care. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24, 3610-3622.
  15. Bradley-Klug, K. L., Garofano, J., Lynn, C., DeLoatche, K. J., & Lam, G. Y. H. (2015). Returning to school after a concussion: Facilitating problem solving through effective communication. School Psychology Forum, 9, 184-198.
  16. To, C. K. S., Lui, H. M., Li, X. X., & Lam, G. Y. H. (2015). A randomized controlled trial of two syntactic treatment procedures with Cantonese-speaking, school-age children with language disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 58, 1258-1272.
  17. Li, J. P. W., Law, T., Lam, G. Y. H., & To, C. K. S. (2013). Role of sentence-final particles and prosody in irony comprehension in Cantonese-speaking children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 27, 18-32.
  18. Wong, G. K. Y., To, C. K. S., Lee, A. M., Chan, A. Y., & Lam, G. Y. H. (2013). Effect of prenatal maternal depression on early speech sound acquisition: A preliminary study. Speech, Language, and Hearing, 16, 215-220.