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Teaching Awards

Faculty of Education
Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award

  • 2018-2019

    Dept/Unit Awardee
    Department of Curriculum and Instruction Prof. Yin Hongbiao
    Department of Educational Administration and Policy Dr. Lam Ka Ka
    Department of Educational Psychology Prof. Chui Tsz Yeung Harold
    Department of Sports Science and Physical Education Prof. Sum Kim Wai Raymond
    Physical Education Unit Dr. Hon Suet
  • 2017-2018

    Faculty of Award Presentation Ceremony: Faculty Dean's Honours List cum Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2017-18 Photo Gallery

    Dept/Unit Awardee
    Department of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Li Yuk Yung
    Department of Educational Administration and Policy Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas
    Department of Educational Psychology Prof. Chung Man Cheung
    Department of Sports Science and Physical Education Ms. Cheung Sin Ting Juanita
    Physical Education Unit Dr. Ng Siu Kuen
  • 2016-2017

    Faculty of Award Presentation Ceremony: Faculty Dean's Honours List cum Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2015-16 Photo Gallery

    Dept/Unit Awardee
    Department of Curriculum and Instruction Prof. Yeung Sau Chu Alison
    Department of Educational Administration and Policy Prof. Koh Soon Lee Aaron
    Department of Educational Psychology Dr. Luk Sau Ha Sarah
    Department of Sports Science and Physical Education Mr. Lee Chi Wo Daniel
    Physical Education Unit Dr. Leung Fung Lin Elean
  • 2015-2016

    Faculty of Award Presentation Ceremony: Faculty Dean's Honours List cum Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2015-16
    Photo Gallery

    Dept/Unit Awardee
    Department of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Ng Pun Hon
    Department of Educational Administration and Policy Dr. Thong Yan Yee Jenny
    Department of Educational Psychology Prof. Ng Fei Yin Florrie
    Department of Sports Science and Physical Education Ms. Cheung Sin Ting Juanita
    Physical Education Unit Mr. Li Chi Leung
  • 2014-2015

    Faculty of Award Presentation Ceremony: Faculty Dean's Honours List cum Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2014-15
    Photo Gallery

    Dept/Unit Awardee
    Department of Curriculum and Instruction Prof. Lee Kit Bing Icy
    Department of Educational Administration and Policy Prof. Wong Yi Lee
    Department of Educational Psychology Prof. Tse Chi Shing
    Department of Sports Science and Physical Education Prof. Sit Hui Ping Cindy
    Physical Education Unit Mr. Lam Kwok Tong
  • 2013-2014

    Faculty of Award Presentation Ceremony: Faculty Dean's Honours List cum Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2012-13
    Photo Gallery

    Dept/Unit Awardee
    Department of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Bai Rui Barry
    Department of Educational Administration and Policy D. Mak Kwan Wing Kelvin
    Department of Educational Psychology Prof. Wong Wan Chi
    Department of Sports Science and Physical Education Ms. Cheung Sin Ting Juanita
    Physical Education Unit Dr. Ng Siu Kuen
  • 2012-2013

    Faculty of Award Presentation Ceremony: Faculty Dean's Honours List cum Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2012-13
    Photo Gallery

    Dept/Unit Awardee
    Department of Curriculum and Instruction Prof. Yeung Sau Chu Alison
    Department of Educational Administration and Policy Dr. Lam Ka Ka
    Department of Educational Psychology Dr. Luk Sau Ha Sarah
    Department of Sports Science and Physical Education Prof. Sum Kim Wai Raymond
    Physical Education Unit Dr. Leung Fung Lin Elean
  • 2011-2012

    Faculty of Award Presentation Ceremony: Faculty Dean's Honours List cum Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2011-12
    Photo Gallery

    Dept/Unit Awardee
    Department of Curriculum and Instruction Prof. Lam Chi Chung
    Prof. Lee Kit Bing Icy
    Prof. Mak Chan Shuk Yin Barley
    Department of Educational Administration and Policy Prof. Choi Po King
    Prof. Lai Man Hong
    Dr. Lam Ka Ka
    Department of Educational Psychology Prof. Cheng Pui Wan
    Prof. Lau Siu Ying Patrick
    Dr. Luk Sau Ha Sarah
    Department of Sports Science and Physical Education Prof. Angus Burnett
    Prof. Sit Hui Ping
    Prof. Sum Kim Wai
    Physical Education Unit Mr. Ho Kwok Tai
    Dr. Leung Fung Lin Elean
    Mr. Tsui Chi Yin Ron
  • 2010-2011

    Faculty of Award Presentation Ceremony: Faculty Dean's Honours List cum Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2010-11
    Photo Gallery

    Dept/Unit Awardee
    Department of Curriculum and Instruction Prof. Cheung Sin Pui Derek
    Prof. Fok Ping Kwan
    Prof. Yeung Sau Chu Alison
    Department of Educational Administration and Policy Prof. Choi Po King Dora
    Dr. Lam Ka Ka
    Prof. Wong Lai Ngok Jocelyn
    Department of Educational Psychology Prof. Cheng Pui Wan
    Prof. Lau Siu Ying Patrick
    Prof. Wong Wan Chi
    Department of Sports Science and Physical Education Prof. Angus Burnett
    Prof. Hui Sai Chuen Stanley
    Dr. Sum Kim Wai Raymond
    Physical Education Unit Dr. Chan Tak Yau
    Mr. Lo Yuen Cheong
    Mr. Tsui Chi Yin Ron
  • 2009-2010

    Faculty of Award Presentation Ceremony: Faculty Dean's Honours List cum Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2009-10
    Photo Gallery

    Dept/Unit Awardee
    Department of Curriculum and Instruction Prof. Tang Lai Yiu Eunice
    Prof. Wong Ngai Ying
    Prof. Yin Hong Biao
    Department of Educational Administration and Policy Prof. Chung Yue Ping
    Prof. Lai Man Hong
    Prof. Wong Lai Ngok Jocelyn
    Department of Educational Psychology Prof. Chang Lei
    Prof. Cheng Pui Wan
    Prof. Lau Siu Ying Patrick
    Department of Sports Science and Physical Education Prof. Ha Sau Ching Amy
    Dr. Sum Kim Wai
    Physical Education Unit Dr. Chan Tak Yau
    Ms. Hon Suet Snowy
    Mr. Yuen Pak Yan
  • 2008-2009

    Academic Year Awardee Dept/Unit
    2008 - 2009 Dr. Chan Tak Yau Physical Education Unit
      Mr. Cheung Wai Kit Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Choi Po King Dora Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Chun Ka Wai Cecilia Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Ha Sau Ching Amy Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Hau Kit Tai Department of Educational Psychology
      Mr. Ho Kwok Tai Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Lai Man Hong Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Lee Chi Kin John Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Ms. Corinne Maxwell-Reid Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Siu Fung Ying Angela Department of Educational Psychology
      Dr. Sum Kim Wai Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Wong Wan Chi Department of Educational Psychology
  • 2007-2008

    Academic Year Awardee Dept/Unit
    2007 - 2008 Prof. Cheng Pui Wan Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Choi Po King Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Dr. Chu Ka Wing Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Ha Sau Ching Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Mr. Ho Kwok Tai Physical Education Unit
      Dr. Kwan Yu Kwong Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Lau Siu Ying Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Lee Kit Bing Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Ms. Leung Fung Lin Physical Education Unit
      Mr. Lo Yuen Cheong Physical Education Unit
      Dr. Sum Kim Wai Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Dr. Sze Man Man Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Wong Wan Chi Department of Educational Psychology
  • 2006-2007

    Academic Year Awardee Dept/Unit
    2006 - 2007 Dr. Chan Tak Yau Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Cheng Pui Wan Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Ha Sau Ching Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Ms. Hon Suet Physical Education Unit
      Dr. Lai Man Hong Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Dr. Lam Ka Ka Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Lau Kit Ling Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Lau Siu Ying Department of Educational Psychology
      Ms. Leung Fung Lin Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Leung Seung Ming Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Christopher Sean Longsdale Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Mr. Sum Kim Wai Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Wong Hin Wah Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Yeung Sau Chu Department of Curriculum and Instruction
  • 2005-2006

    Academic Year Awardee Dept/Unit
    2005 - 2006 Prof. Cheng Pui Wan Department of Educational Psychology
      Mr. Cheung Wai Kit Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Ha Sau Ching Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Dr. Lai Man Hong Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Lam Chi Chung Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Dr. Lam Ka Ka Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Lau Siu Ying Department of Educational Psychology
      Ms. Leung Fung Lin Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Leung Seung Ming Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Mr. Lo Yuen Cheong Physical Education Unit
      Mr. Christopher Sean Longsdale Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Dr. Mak Chan Suk Yin Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Mak Se Yuen Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Mr. Sum Kim Wai Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
  • 2004-2005

    Academic Year Awardee Dept/Unit
    2004 - 2005 Mr. Chan Tak Yau Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Cheng Pui Wan Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Choi Po King Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Chun Ka Wai Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Ha Sau Ching Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Mr. Ho Kwok Tai Physical Education Unit
      Ms. Hon Suet Physical Education Unit
      Prof. David Paul Johns Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Dr. Lai Man Hong Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Dr. Lam Ka Ka Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Lau Siu Ying Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Leung Seung Ming Department of Educational Psychology
      Mr. Sum Kim Wai Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Dr. Tang Lai Yiu Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Wong Ngai Ying Department of Curriculum and Instruction
  • 2003-2004

    Academic Year Awardee Dept/Unit
    2003 - 2004 Prof. Cheng Pui Wan Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Choi Po King Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. David John Coniam Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Ha Sau Ching Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Hau Kit Tai Department of Educational Psychology
      Ms. Hon Suet Physical Education Unit
      Prof. David Paul Johns Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Dr. Lam Ka Ka Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Lau Siu Ying Department of Educational Psychology
      Ms. Leung Fung Lin Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Mr. Lo Yuen Cheong Physical Education Unit
      Mr. Sum Kim Wai Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Mr. Sze Man Man Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Wong Ka Ming Department of Curriculum and Instruction
  • 2002-2003

    Academic Year Awardee Dept/Unit
    2002 - 2003 Prof. Cheng Pui Wan Department of Educational Psychology
      Mr. Cheung Wai Kit Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Ha Sau Ching Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Hau Kit Tai Department of Educational Psychology
      Ms. Hon Suet Physical Education Unit
      Prof. David Paul Johns Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Lam Ka Nei Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Lam Yee Lay Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Lee Chi Kin Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Man Yee Fun Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Mr. Sum Kim Wai Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Allan David Walker Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Yeung Sau Chu Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Mr. Yuen Pak Yan Physical Education Unit
  • 2001-2002

    Academic Year Awardee Dept/Unit
    2001 - 2002 Mr. Chan Tak Yau Physical Education Unit
      Mr. Chan Wan Ka Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Choi Po King Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Ho Wai Kit Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Hui Sai Chuen Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. David Paul Johns Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Ms. Lai Man Hong Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Lam Chi Chung Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Lam Kin Ping Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Lam Man Ping Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Lau Siu Ying Department of Educational Psychology
      Ms. Leung Fung Lin Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Leung Seung Ming Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Mr. Lo Yuen Cheong Physical Education Unit
  • 2000-2001

    Academic Year Awardee Dept/Unit
    2000 - 2001 Mr. Chan Tak Yau Physical Education Unit
      Mr. Chan Wan Ka Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Chun Ka Wai Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Ha Sau Ching Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Hui Sai Chuen Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Lam Man Ping Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Lau Siu Ying Department of Educational Psychology
      Ms. Leung Fung Lin Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Leung Seung Ming Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Mr. Lo Yuen Cheong Physical Education Unit
      Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Allan David Walker Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Wong Hin Wah Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Yip Din Yan Department of Curriculum and Instruction
  • 1999-2000

    Academic Year Awardee Dept/Unit
    1999 - 2000 Mr. Chan Tak Yau Physical Education Unit
      Mr. Chan Wan Ka Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Chung Yue Ping Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Hui Sai Chuen Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. David Paul Johns Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Lam Yee Lay Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Lau Siu Ying Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Leung Seung Ming Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Mak Se Yuen Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Mr. Sze Man Man Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Wong Wan Chi Department of Educational Psychology
      Mr. Yau Wing Keung Physical Education Unit
      Mr. Yuen Pak Yan Physical Education Unit
  • 1998-1999

    Academic Year Awardee Dept/Unit
    1998 - 1999 Dr. Choi Po King Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Ha Sau Ching Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Lam Man Ping Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Lam Yee Lay Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Mr. Lau Wing Chung Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
      Prof. Lee Chi Kin Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      Prof. Allan David Walker Department of Educational Administration and Policy
      Prof. Wong Wan Chi Department of Educational Psychology
      Prof. Yeung Sau Chu Department of Curriculum and Instruction