電郵 yuetmuiyuen@cuhk.edu.hk
電話 3943 3038
辦公室 何添樓414室
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Prof. Yuen earned her doctorate from the UCL Institute of Education, United Kingdom and has served as a visiting scholar in several international universities. She lectures in intercultural education, teacher development and leadership, home-school-community collaboration and policy studies, and has authored empirical and policy-related articles and books in these fields.
Prof. Yuen has been awarded several major research grants, including 3 projects funded by the General Research Fund (GRF), 3 funded by the Quality Education Fund, 3 Consultancy Contract Grants (1 funded by the Education Bureau and 2 by Oxfam Hong Kong); and 1 funded by the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme. She was also a recipient of Knowledge Transfer Grant and Top Ten Per Cent Publication Awards. In addition, Prof. Yuen serves actively as a director with several NGOs.
Prof. Yuen’s research areas include Chinese immigrant and ethnic minority education, policy studies, intercultural youth studies, life satisfaction, spiritual health and school engagement.
- 建立跨文化能力:體驗式學習
- 內地移民
- 跨境及少數族裔教育
- 跨文化家校社區研究
- 靈性健康
- 學校及公民參與
- 平等教育
- 融合教育
- 課程研究
- BECE 3220 香港多元文化學前教育
- CHED 4220 家庭、學校與社區協作:促進學校發展
- PEDU 6205 高效能的學校領導
- Yuen, Y. M. C. (2018). Perceptions of Social Justice among the South Asian and Chinese Immigrant Youth in Hong Kong.Peabody Journal of Education. doi: 10.1080/0161956X.2018.1449928, 2018.
- Yuen, Y. M. C. (2018). Chinese immigrant students and cross-boundary students in Hong Kong: A call for equity through culturally relevant teaching practices. In Y. K. Cha, S. H. Ham, & M.S. Lee (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of multicultural education research in Asia Pacific (pp. 258-271). London: Routledge., 2018.
- Yuen, Y. M. C., Lee, M. S., & Leung, C. S. S. (2016). Religious belief and its association with life satisfaction of adolescents in Hong Kong. Journal of Beliefs and Values. doi: 10.1080/13617672.2016.1141533, 2016.
- Yuen, Y. M. C. (2016). Linking life satisfaction with school engagement of secondary students from diverse cultural backgrounds in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Research, 77, 74-82. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2016.03.003, 2016.
- Yuen, Y. M. C. (2015). Gender difference in life satisfaction and spiritual health among the junior immigrant and local Hong Kong secondary students. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality. doi: 10.1080/1364436X.2015.1061485., 2015.
- Intercultural Education and Reconciliation between Local Students and Mainland Chinese Students in Higher Education Campuses in Hong Kong
- Enhancing the Academic Competence of the Low Income Mainstream, Chinese Immigrant and Ethnic Minority Students in Approaching the Diploma of Secondary Education
- Transition from Secondary to Post-Secondary Education: Access, Obstacles, and Success Factors of Immigrant, Minority and Low Income Youth in Hong Kong