Parenting among Asians

A regional workshop of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) themed ‘Parenting among Asians’, the first of its kind held in Hong Kong, took place at CUHK from 25–28 June 2019. The workshop was organized jointly by the Department of Educational Psychology and the Department of Psychology, and sponsored by ISSBD, CUHK Research Summit Series, Brain and Mind Institute, CUHK-NTU-WSU Joint Laboratory for Infant Research, and the Department of Educational Psychology. It boasted more than 10 world-leading scholars as speakers and attracted around 80 early career scholars as participants from 26 economies in Asia as well as North America and Europe. The speakers and the participants took stock of decades of research on parenting among Asians both to promote theoretically guided and methodologically rigorous studies, and to expand social impact of parenting research on fostering optimal family functioning and child and youth wellbeing in diverse regions of Asia. For details, please refer to https://www.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/issbdhk.
Information extracted from CUHK Newsletter Vol. 541
(English Version)

中大教育心理學系與心理學系於2019年6月25至28日聯合舉辦了題為「亞裔族群裏的父母教養」工作坊。作為首個在香港舉行的國際行為發展研究協會區域工作坊,是次會議得到該協會、香港中文大學學術研究會議資助計劃、中大大腦與認知研究所、香港中文大學—新加坡南洋理工大學—西悉尼大學嬰兒研究聯合實驗室,以及中大教育心理學系鼎力資助。十多位國際知名學者和近八十名來自亞洲二十六個經濟體以及北美與歐洲的青年學者齊聚一堂,總結過去數十年有關亞裔族群裏的父母教養的學術研究,展望在更廣泛的族群開展於理論與方法上更高質的研究,並提升父母教養研究的社會影響,以促進家庭和諧及兒童與青少年福祉。 詳情請參閱 https://www.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/issbdhk。