Prof. DAI Yun
B.A. (PKU), M.A. (PKU), M.Ed. (UCSB), Ph.D. (UCSB)Assistant Professor

Formerly served as Postdoc Fellow and the manager of the Viterbi iPodia Educational Program at the University of Southern California, USA. Courses taught at the CUHK include: Introduction to Curriculum Evaluation; Curriculum Evaluation: Theory & Practice; Principles and Implementation of Curriculum and Instructional Design; Ethnographic Study in Ed Research.Research Areas
Curriculum design and development; learning sciences and technology; engineering education; educational ethnography; mix method research.Selected Publications
- Dai, Y., Liu, A. (2019). Understanding student variances in learning outcomes and task interpretations from multimedia presentations. British Journal of Education Technology, 50(5), 2685-2702.
- Dai, Y. (2019). Situating videoconferencing in a connected class toward intercultural knowledge development: A comparative reflection approach. The Internet and Higher Education, 41, 1-10.
- Dai, Y., Lu, S., & Liu, A. (2019). Student pathways to understanding the global virtual teams: An ethnographic study. Interactive Learning Environments, 27(1), 3-14.
- Dai, Y., Liu, A., Morrison, J., & Lu, S. (2016). Systemic design of interactive learning environment for global engineering courses. International Journal of Engineering Education, 32(6), 2597-2611.
- Green, J. L., Joo, J., Dai, Y., Hirsch, T., Chian, M., & David, P. B. (2016). Challenges in understanding different epistemologies for studying learning: A telling case of constructing a new research agenda. International Journal of Educational Research. 84, 119-126.
- Liu, A., Dai, Y., & Lu, S. (2015). Effectiveness of E-learning 2.0 tools and services to support learner-learner interactions in a global engineering class. International Journal of Engineering Education, (31)2, 553-566.
- Green, J.L., Dai, Y., Joo, J., Williams, E., Liu, A., & Lu, S. (2015). Interdisciplinary dialogues as a site for reflexive exploration of conceptual understandings of teaching–learning relationships. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 10(1), 86-103.