Dr. CHAN Yip-cheung
BSc, MPhil, PhD (HKU), PGDE, MEd (CUHK)Senior Lecturer

Before joining CUHK, Dr Chan served as a mathematics teacher in secondary schools, teaching staff and teaching practice supervisor (full-time / part-time) in various university level institutes. His expertise is Mathematics Education. Currently, he is Program Coordinator and Teaching Practice Subject Coordinator of BMED program and a supervisor of BMED teaching research projects. Courses taught or currently teaching at CUHK include Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Mathematics), Teaching of Number and Number Sense, Mathematics Curriculum and Teaching (Instructional Technology and Design of Teaching Activities) and Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the Changing Curriculum. Dr. Chan is actively involved in local mathematics education communities including teaching professional development, curriculum development and school mathematics competitions. He is a member of various committees of mathematics education at EDB.Research Areas
Research interests include: ICT in mathematics education; tool-based task design in mathematics education; mathematical thinking, problem solving and reasoning; spiritual development across school curriculum; religious studies.Selected Publications
- Chan, W.K., Chan, Y.C. & Siu, M.K. (1998). Minimal rank of abelian group matrices. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 44(3), 277-285.
- Chan, Y.C. (2005). Emotional responses in mathematical problem solving. In N.Y. Wong (Ed.) Revisiting Mathematics Education in Hong Kong for the New Millennium.(pp.568-591).Hong Kong: Hong Kong Association of Mathematics Education.
- Leung, A. & Chan, Y.C. (2006). Exploring necessary and sufficient conditions in a dynamic geometry environment. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, 13(1), 37-43. (Indexed in PROQUEST, EBSCO, ERIC, MathEDUC)
- Chan, Y.C. (2008). Different approaches of interplay between experimentation and theoretical consideration in dynamic geometry exploration: An example from exploring Simson line. Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, 6 (1), 63-81. (Indexed in MathEDUC)
- Chan, Y.C. (2012). Rebuilding the harmony between figural and conceptual aspects for reasoning, proof and proving in dynamic geometry software. Paper presented at the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Seoul, South Korea, 8-15 July, 2012. (Paper available at: http://www.icme12.org).
- Siu, M.K. & Chan, Y.C. (2012). On Alexander Wylie's Jottings on the Science of the Chinese Arithmetic. In Proceedings of the HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME-12 (HPM2012), Book 1, p. 229-236. Daejeon, South Korea.
- Siu, M.K. & Chan, Y.C. (2012). Chinese Arithmetic in the Eyes of a British Missionary and Calculus in the Eyes of a Chinese Mathematician: Collaboration between Alexander Wylie (1815-1887) and LI Shanlan (1811-1882). In Proceedings of the HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME-12 (HPM2012), pp. 363-364. Daejeon, South Korea.
- Chan, Y.C. (2012). A mathematician’s double semiotic link of a dynamic geometry software. In T. Y. Tso (Ed.), Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 2, pp. 91-98. Taipei, Taiwan: PME.
- Chan, Y.C., Wong, N.Y., & Leu, Y.C. (2012). Do teachers with different religious beliefs hold different values in math and math teaching? In T.Y. Tso (Ed.). Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 4, p. 254. Taipei, Taiwan: PME.
- Chan, Y. C. & Siu, M. K. (2012). Facing the change and meeting the challenge: mathematics curriculum of Tongwen Guan in China in the second half of the nineteenth century.ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education 44(4), 461-472. DOI 10.1007/s11858-012-0427-9 (Indexed in ERA, ERIH)
- Chan, Y. C. (2013). GeoGebra as a tool to explore, conjecture, verify, justify, and prove: The case of a circle. North American GeoGebra Journal, 2(1), 14-18.
- Chan, Y. C. & Leung, A. (2013). Rotational symmetry: semiotic potential of a transparency toolkit. In Margolinas, C. (Ed.) Proceedings of ICMI Study 22: Task Design in Mathematics Education (pp. 37-45). United Kingdom: Oxford.
- Chan, Y. C. & Wong, N.Y. (2013). Relationship between religious beliefs and views on effective mathematics teaching and learning from perspectives of mathematics teachers. Accepted for short oral presentation at the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Kiel, Germany, 28 July -2 August, 2013.
- Chan, Y. C., & Siu, M. K. (2013 October). The Malfatti Problem in nineteenth-century China. Mathematics Today, 58-60.
- 陳葉祥(2013)。運用數學史於數學教育的示例。載羅浩源、張僑平、林智中(編)《漫漫教、研路—黃毅英教授退休文集》(頁31–42)。香港:香港數學教育學會。
- 陳葉祥、蕭文強(2014)。“馬爾法蒂問題”在十九世紀的中國:一則中國人學習西學的小故事 (The “Malfatti problem” in nineteenth-century China: An episode in the study of Western learning by the Chinese) 。《自然科學史硏究》第33卷第1 期,64–69頁。(CSCD 中國科學引文資料庫來源期刊)
- Chan, Y. C. & Wong, N. Y. (2014). Worldviews, religions and beliefs about teaching and learning: perception of mathematics teachers with different religious backgrounds. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 87(3), 251-277. DOI 10.1007/s10649-014-9555-1 (Indexed in SSCI, ERA, ERIH, SCOPUS, EBSCO, ERIC, JSTOR, MathEDUC)
- 張僑平、陳葉祥、黃毅英(2014)。 從教科書分析帶出教學啟示:以小學數學的一個課題為例。載石鷗、張增田(編)《教科書評論2013》(頁122-131)。北京:首都師範大學出版社。
- 陳葉祥、黃毅英(2014)。宗教與數學教學有何相干?《數學教育》第37期,89-93頁。
- Leu, Y.C., Chan, Y.C., & Wong, N.Y. (2015). The relationships between religious beliefs and teaching among mathematics teachers in the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In L.F. Fan, Wong, N.Y., Cai, J. & Li, S. (Eds.) How Chinese teach mathematics: Perspectives from insiders (pp.653-701). Singapore: World Scientific. 〔中譯:呂玉琴、陳葉祥、黃毅英 著;彭剛 譯(2017)。中國大陸、台灣以及香港地區數學教師的宗教信仰與教學之間的關係。載:范良火、黃毅英、蔡金法、李士錡(編)。《華人如何教數學》(頁498-535)。南京:江蘇鳳凰教育出版社。〕
- 陳葉祥、黃毅英(2015)。教師的宗教觀與數學教育︰初步研究報告。載:黃家樂、李玉潔、潘維凱(編)。《香港數學教育會議 -- 2015論文集:多姿多采的數學課堂》(頁164-177)。香港:香港數學教育學會。
- Barlow, A. T., Huang, R., Law, H. Y., Chan, Y. C., Zhang, Q., Baxter, W. A., & Gaddy, A. K. (2016). Hong Kong and U.S. teachers’ perceptions of mathematical disagreements and their resolution processes. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 4(4), 299-318. DOI:10.18404/ijemst.97650
- Chan, Y. C., & Wong, N. Y. (2016). A multiple case study of teachers referring to their own religious beliefs in mathematics teaching. International Journal of Children's Spirituality. 21(3-4), 243-255. DOI: 10.1080/1364436X.2016.1251398 (Indexed in AHCI)
- Chan, Y.C. (2016). Experimentation and reasoning interplay in the process of problem solving with the use of dynamic geometry software. Paper presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Hamburg, Germany, 24th -31st July, 2016.
- Chan, Y. C. (2016). Two examples on discrepancy potentials of dynamic geometry software. In Wei-Chi Yang, Douglas B. Meade & Krongthong Khairiree (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM 2016) (pp. 150-156). Pattaya, Thailand, 14-18 December 2016.
- Chan, Y. C., Leung, A., &, Ong, D. M. Y. (2016). Feedback and Discrepancies of a Physical Toolkit and a Digital Toolkit: Opportunities and Pitfalls for Mediating the Concept of Rotational Symmetry. In Allen Leung, & Anna Baccaglini-Frank (Eds.) Digital Technologies in Designing Mathematics Education Tasks - Potential and Pitfalls (pp 259-283). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-43423-0_13
- Lau, W. & Chan, Y. C. (2017). Developing preservice mathematics teachers’ post-teaching reflection through online video. In Proceedings of EdMedia 2017 (pp. 43-46). Washington, DC., United States, 20-23 June 2017.
- Chan, Y. C. (2017). Discrepancy potential as a lens to designing and researching technology-based mathematics education tasks. Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology 11(3), 161-171. https://php.radford.edu/~ejmt/ContentIndex.php#v11n3
- Lei, H., Chan, Y. C., & Leung, A. (2018). Implementation of tool-based mathematics lesson: A duo of material and digital tools. In L. Deng, W. W. K. Ma, & C. W. R. Fong (eds.) New Media for Educational Change: Selected Papers from HKAECT2018 International Conference (pp. 125-139). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-8896-4_11
- Chan, Y. C. (2018). Flipping the classroom in a teaching methodology course for pre-service primary mathematics teachers. In Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovative Learning 2018 Conference (pp. 1961-1966). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25-29 June 2018