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Dining Arrangements

Communal Dining is an integral and required part of students’ college life at CW Chu College. It aims to
  • enhance interaction among students and with teachers
  • enable students to benefit from the wisdom and experience of speakers from various walks of life
Communal Dining is included as one of the non-credit bearing parts of the College General Education Programme. Upon assignment to the College, students are automatically enrolled onto a meal plan, which includes communal dinners three times per week during term time.
Students are invited to note the following essential points about the College’s communal dining arrangements.


Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during term time (except public holidays and University holidays during the Chinese New Year).


Communal dinners
Chong Kin Wo Hall, CW Chu College

High Table dinners
Chong Kin Wo Hall, CW Chu College


Communal dining: 6:45 – 7:45 pm 

High Table dinners: 6:45 – 9:00 pm 

 Dress code

Communal dinners: Casual

High Table dinners: Smart casual (i.e., shirt and tie for gentlemen and corresponding dress code for ladies) with College gown.


Term 1: Not applicable

Term 2:

HK$41 per Communal Dinner

HK$50 per High Table Dinner


  • To fulfill the General Education Programme requirement, students should meet the following attendance rate for communal dinners each term 
    • Students in Years 1 and 2: 60% (i.e., allowed absence of 40%)
    • Students in Years 3 and 4: 50% (i.e., allowed absence of 50%)
  • and also 60% of the High Table Dinners each academic year, except for absences with a valid reason supported by proof(s)/documents and upon formal approval by the College Dean of Students.
  • Students need to fulfil these requirements in order to receive a PP grade for their non-credit-bearing College General Education courses (GECW 1000/ 2000/ 3000/ 4000).
  • Students should take initiative to take attendance. An attendance taking machine will be placed at the registration counter near the main entrance of the Chong Kin Wo Hall for attendance taking (6:45–7:15 pm).
  • Late comers (arrive after 7:15 pm) are required to sign your names on a hard copy attendance sheet kept by the College staff / RT-on-duty on the spot.
  • Students’ attendance will NOT be counted if they leave the Chong Kin Wo Hall right after attendance taking without having the dinner.
  • Students are expected to inform the College staff on the spot if they have to leave the dining venue soon after dinner begins due to urgent business/ feeling unwell.

Application for Exemption from Communal Dining

Scenario 1: Within the Range of Allowed Absence (i.e. up to 40% absence for Years 1 and 2, up to 50% absence for Years 3 and 4)

  • Students are expected to notify the College of their absence of any communal dinner through the online form at least one working day in advance before the corresponding dinner.  This is for record purpose and it is not necessary for students to provide a reason for such absence.
  • Examples of such cases: gathering with friends or family, private tutoring, birthday celebration, participation in non-compulsory departmental/ university activities such as singing contest, drama competition, events organized by student associations etc.
  • A fail grade (FF) for the College GE courses GECW 1000/2000/3000/4000 will be issued if your absence exceeds the allowed limit.  Students should keep track of their own attendance records to avoid such situation.
  • All absence beyond the allowed limit will be counted even if an online application for such absence has been submitted.
  • Students should use the above allowance to fulfill their important engagements and personal responsibilities.

Application Form (Please click the link below)

Scenario 2: Beyond the Range of Allowed Absence

  • Exceptional absence beyond the allowed limit (40% for Years 1 and 2 and 50% for Years 3 and 4) may be approved by the College Dean of Students.  The application of such absence must have strong reason(s) supported by valid proof(s).
  • The following examples are valid reasons for such applications.  Students should be able to use the allowed percentage to handle most of other cases of absence.
    (1) Conflicts with scheduled major courses for which there are no alternatives.   Minor or elective courses will NOT be considered.
    (2) Participation in sports or other competitive activities representing the College, the University, or Hong Kong (including the training sessions and competitions).  General activities organized by University, departments, or student organizations will NOT be considered.
    (3) Medical and health reasons supported by valid medical certificates.
  • To facilitate grade submission, all applications for exceptional absence due to (1), (2) or (3) must be submitted together with relevant proofs for prior approval by the College Dean of Students by week 11 of each term. Please send your application to us via email
    ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and cc copy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  ) by the above week. Applications submitted beyond week 11 will NOT be considered.

Important Points to Note:

  • The above exemption scheme does NOT apply to High Table Dinners.
  • Students are reminded to keep track of their own attendance rate and use the allowance for absence wisely. The College will NOT give you a regular update of your attendance to communal dinners.
  • There will be no refund of the pre-paid meal plan fee even if exemption is granted for a valid reason.

 Take away food

  • Students are welcome to bring their own meal box to pack excess food when the majority of students have finished their dinner. The College staff/ RT-on-duty reserve the right to stop students from packing food before dinner begins or at the outset of the dinner.
  • Meal boxes supplied by the caterer will be charged on the spot.

 Dinner etiquette

To maintain a pleasant dining atmosphere, students are reminded to

  • start eating only after the College announcement is made;
  • keep their conversation noise level low at all times; and
  • show due respect to guests and speakers while a speech/ announcement is being delivered.

 Special dietary menu

Special dietary needs or requests should be indicated on the Student Personal Data Form, or notified to the College Office upon students' admission to the College.

 Canteen utensils

Dining utensils are the properties of the canteen and should be kept at the dining venue.

 Adverse weather

  • Dinners will be cancelled if Typhoon Signal No 8 or above OR Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is in force at 2 pm.
  • Dinners will go ahead as scheduled if Typhoon Signal No 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is lowered or cancelled by 2 pm.
