Prof. PARK Moonyoung
B.A. in English Language & Literature (Keimyung U, SA-Utah State U), M.A. in English Interpretation & Translation (Keimyung U),M.A. in Second Language Studies (U of Hawaii, Manoa), Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics & Technology (Iowa State U)
Assistant Professor

Moonyoung Park formerly served as Associate Professor at University of Aizu, Japan. He has also taught English for EFL/ESL secondary and college learners in Korea, Thailand, and the U.S. The courses taught include Advanced English Grammar, Thesis Writing, and Academic English.Research Areas
His research has been focused on computer-assisted language learning, language test development and validation, curriculum and instructional design, and task-based language teaching. His recent research on “Development and Validation of Virtual Interactive Tasks for an Aviation English Assessment” has been benefitted from application of the argument-based approach, evidence-centered design, task-based performance assessment, and 3D virtual environments to develop an interactive aviation English assessment in a virtual environment for non-native English speaking air traffic controllers.Selected Publications
Refereed Journal Articles- Xiao, W. & Park, M. (forthcoming). Using Automatic Speech Recognition to Facilitate English Pronunciation Assessment and Learning in EFL context: Pronunciation Error Diagnosis and Pedagogical Implications. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 11(3).
- Tseng, J.-J., Chai, C.S., Tan, L. & Park, M. (2020). A Critical Review of Research on Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Language Teaching. Computer Assisted Language Learning.
- Min, J. & Park, M. (2020). Investigating test practices and washback effects: Voices from primary school English teachers in Hong Kong. Journal of English Language Assessment 15(2), 77-97.
- Park, M. & Huffman, S. (2020). Developing an aeronautical English training unit based on the ADDIE model in an EFL context. The ESPecialist: Research in Languages for Specific Purposes. Description, Teaching and Learning, 41(4), 1-25.
- Shen, B., Bai, B., & Park, M. (2020). Exploring Hong Kong primary students’ English writing motivation: Relationships between writing self-efficacy and task value. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
- Park, M. & Son, J.-B. (2020). Pre-service EFL teachers’ readiness in computer-assisted language learning and teaching. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 1-15.
- Park, M. (2020). Investigating target tasks, task phases, and indigenous criteria for military aviation English assessment. Language Assessment Quarterly, 17(3), 337-361.
- Jiang, Y., Jong, M., Chai, C.S., Lau, W., & Park, M. (2020). A Scoping Review on Flipped Classroom Approach in Language Education Based on SSCI Journals: Challenges and Implications, Computer Assisted Language Learning.
- Wang, L., Lee, I., & Park, M. (2020). Chinese university EFL teachers’ beliefs and practices of classroom writing assessment. Studies in Educational Evaluation.
- Lee, S.-M. & Park, M. (2019). Reconceptualization of the context in language learning with a location-based AR app. Computer Assisted Language Learning. 1-24.
- Park, M. (2018). Innovative Assessment of aviation English in a virtual world: Windows into cognitive and metacognitive strategies. ReCALL Journal, 30(2), 196-213.
- Son, J.-B., Park, S.-S., & Park, M. (2017). Digital literacy of language learners in two different contexts. The JALTCALL Journal, 13(2), 77-96.
- Park, M. (2017). Review on online intercultural exchange: Policy, pedagogy, practice. CALICO Journal, 34(2), 263-266.
- Park, M., & Slater, T. (2014). A typology of tasks for mobile-assisted language learning: Recommendations from a small-scale needs analysis. TESL Canada Journal, 31(8), 93-115.
- Park, M. (2014). Analysis of Thai L2 college learners' freewriting: Focusing on errors in the use of verbs. Language and Communication Quarterly, 3(3), 121-134.
- Park, M. (2014). Critical discourse analysis of English Program in Korea (EPIK) website. Language and Communication Quarterly, 3(1), 20-29.
- Park, M. (2014). A study of casual conversation of a multicultural group: How are participants’ ethnic categorizations constructed in talk? International Journal of Education and Culture, 3(1), 34-46.
- Park, M. (2014). Pedagogical and technological issues in ASR-based feedback in computer-assisted pronunciation teaching. International Journal of TESOL and Learning, 3(1), 1-17.
- Chapelle C., Lee, J., Lee, H., Park, M., Qian, M., & Walton, A. (2013). Classroom activities. English Teaching Forum 51(4), 46-52.
- Park, M. (2013). Book Review: Task-based language learning and teaching with technology. Asian EFL Journal, 15(3), 264-266. Park, M., & Saricaoglu, A. (2012). Teaching academic ESL writing online based on the Moodle and the ETS’s Criterion. Hawai’i Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages -The Word, 21(2), 1-13.
- Park, M. (2011). Multimedia-assisted pronunciation lesson plan for Korean EFL learners. Hawai’i Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages -The Word, 20(3), 6-8.
- Park, M. (2010). A lesson plan for computer-assisted extensive reading course. Hawai’i Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages -The Word, 19(3), 5-10.
- Park, M., Poon, C. H., Ng, T. K. (2020). Understanding STEM with Aviation (Multidisciplinary Curriculum) Book 2. Hong Kong, China: Aerosim (HK) Ltd. (ISBN: 978-988-74945-0-8)
Edited Book Chapters
- Afflerbach, P., Ahn, H., & Park, M. (forthcoming). Assessing students' reading development and reading achievement. In S. B., Wepner, D.S. Strickland, & D. J. Quatroche (Eds.), The administration and supervision of reading programs (6th ed.). Teachers College Press.
- Park, M. (2021). Domain definition inference for a speaking test for military air traffic controllers. In C. Chapelle & E. Voss (Eds.), Validity Argument in Language Testing: Case Studies of Argument-Based Validation Research. Cambridge University Press.
- Park, M. (2020). Let’s meet a chatbot to practice interrogative sentences. In J.-B. Son (Ed.), Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching in Action (pp. 34-37). Toowoomba, Australia: APACALL (ISBN 978-0-6486653-1-1).
- Park, M. (2020). English pronunciation practice using speech recognition technology. In J.-B. Son (Ed.), Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching in Action (pp. 56-59). Toowoomba, Australia: APACALL (ISBN 978-0-6486653-1-1).
- Park, M. (2020). Time to rethink our use of technology in the classroom. In F. Floris & W. Renandya (Eds.), Inspirational Stories from English Language Classrooms (pp. 120-122). TEFLIN Publication Division (ISBN: 978-602-1150-41-2).
- Park, M., & Wang, L. (2019). Instructional design of technology-enhanced process writing for secondary ESL learners in Hong Kong. In J.-B. Son (Ed.), Context-specific computer-assisted language learning: Research, development and practice (pp. 122-136). Toowoomba, Australia: APACALL. Retrieved from
- Park, M. (2015). A Needs Analysis for a Korean Middle School EFL General English Curriculum. In M. Thomas & H. Reinders (Eds.), Contemporary Task-Based Language Teaching in Asia. Bloomsbury Contemporary Linguistics Series (pp. 261-278). London & New York: Bloomsbury.
- Park, M. (2015). A Study of Casual Conversation of a Multicultural Group: How Are Participants' Ethnic Categorization Constructed in Talk? In H. Öz (Ed.), Language and Communication Research Around the Globe – Exploring Untested Ideas (pp. 205-222). Untested Ideas Research Center.
- Park, M. (2014). Pedagogical and Technological Issues in ASR-Based Feedback in Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Teaching. In J. Huang & A. Fernandes (Eds.), Non-native Language Teaching and Learning: Putting the Puzzle Together (pp. 81-104). Untested Ideas Research Center.
- Park, M. (2014). A Task-Based Needs Analysis for Mobile-Assisted Language Learning in College ESL Contexts. In J.-B. Son (Ed.), Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Learners, teachers and tools. APACALL Book Series Volume 3 (pp. 47-63). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Park, M. (2012). Implementing Computer-Assisted Task-Based Language Teaching in the Korean Secondary EFL Context. In A. Shehadeh & C. Coombe (Eds.), Task-Based Language Teaching in Foreign Language Contexts (pp. 215-240). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Book Reviews
- Park, M. (2017). Book Review: Review on Online Intercultural Exchange: Policy, Pedagogy, Practice. CALICO Journal, 34(2), 263-266.
- Park, M. (2013). Book Review: Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching with Technology. Asian EFL Journal, 15(3), 264-266.
Conference Proceedings
- Kaneko, E., Park, M., Wilson, I., Roy, D., Heo, Y., Yasuta, T., Blake, J, & Nicholas, A. (2018). Task-based English curriculum innovation for Computer Science majors in Japan: Preliminary report. Proceedings of the TBLT (Task-Based Language Teaching) in Asia 2018 Conference. Kyoto, Japan, May 23-24, 2018.
- Kaneko, E., Park, M., Wilson, I., Heo, Y., Roy, D., Yasuta, T., Nicholas, A., & Blake, J. (2018). English curriculum innovation for Computer Science majors in the Japanese EFL Context: From needs to tasks. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference, (pp. 84-89). Toronto, Canada, 2018.
- Park, M. (2017). Secondary EFL learners’ attitude toward computer-assisted extensive reading. BUFS Foreign Language Studies 30, 47-69.
- Park, M. & Yi, J.-I. (2017). Evaluating the outcomes of online intercultural exchange between Korean and Japanese college EFL learners. Proceedings of the MMSEE (KAMALL-STEM-KASEE) Joint International Conference 2017, (pp. 72-76). Incheon, Korea, 2017.
- Park, M., Purgina, M. & Mozgovoy, M. (2016). Learning English Grammar with WordBricks: Classroom Experience. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Education, (pp. 220-223). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2016.
- Yildirim, C., Park, M., Lawson, T., Jaramillo, N., Correia, A.-P., Chatterjee, R. & Arpaci, P. (2014). Training Instructional Designers as Edupreneurs. In M. Simonson (Ed.), 37th Annual Proceedings of Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Vol. 2, (pp. 418-421). Jacksonville, FL, 2014.
- Park, M. (2010). A Language Program Evaluation of a Korean Secondary EFL General English Curriculum. Proceedings of the 14th College-Wide Conference for Graduate Students in Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, (pp. 12-24). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Hawaii.
- Park, M. (2010). Implementation of Computer-Assisted Task-Based Language Teaching in Secondary EFL Settings in Korea. Proceedings of the 14th College-Wide Conference for Graduate Students in Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, (pp. 25-35). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Hawaii.