Prof. BAI Barry
D.BIT (TP), M.A. (USYD), Ph.D. (NIE/NTU)Assistant Professor

Formerly served as Lecturer at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Courses taught include Academic Writing, Research Methods, Subject Curriculum and Teaching (English), ELT Techniques, Enrichment Activities for ELT, and ELT Curriculum Theory and Design.Faculty of Education Exemplary Teaching Award 2014
CAERDA Best Dissertation Award 2014
Other positions
Associate Editor, Asia Pacific Journal of EducationExCo Member of Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics
Member of the Editorial Board of Educational Psychology
Research Areas
Self-regulated learning, writing motivation, second language writing, e-learning, social and emotional learning, writing strategies, and teacher professional developmentSelected Publications
Refereed Journal articles- Bai, B., & Wang, J. (2021). Hong Kong secondary school students’ self-regulated language learning strategy use and English writing competence: Influences of motivational beliefs. System, 96, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.system.2020.102404.
- Bai, B., Wang, J., & Zhou, H. X. (2020). An intervention study to improve primary school students’ self-regulated strategy use in English writing through e-learning in Hong Kong. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1-26. doi:10.1080/09588221.2020.1871030.
- Yuan, R., Bai, B., & Hou, S. M. (2020). Unpacking vulnerability in academic writing and publishing: A tale of two NNES scholars in China. Higher Education Research & Development, 1-16. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2020.1865282.
- Bai, B. & Wang, J. (2020). Growth mindset, self-efficacy and intrinsic value: How self-regulated learning mediates the role of motivational beliefs in English language learning achievements in an Asian context. Language Teaching Research, 1-22. doi:10.1177/1362168820933190.
- Shen, B., Bai, B., & Park, M. Y. (2020). Exploring Hong Kong primary school students’ writing motivation: Relationships between writing self-efficacy and task value. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-15. doi:10.1080/01434632.2020.1823397.
- Bai, B., Wang, J., Nie, Y.Y. (2020). Self-efficacy, task values, and growth mindset: What has the most predictive power for primary school students’ self-regulated learning in English writing and writing competence in an Asian Confucian cultural context? Cambridge Journal of Education, 1-20. doi: 10.1080/0305764X.2020.1778639.
- Shen, B., Bai, B., & Xue, W. H. (2020). The effects of peer assessment on learner autonomy: An empirical study in a Chinese college English writing class. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 64, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2019.100821.
- Lee, A. N., Nie, Y. Y., & Bai, B. (2020). Teachers’ perceived principal’s support for professional learning and its relationships with psychological needs satisfaction, organisational commitment and change-oriented work behavior. Teaching and Teacher Education, 93, 1-11. doi:10.1016/ j.tate.2020.103076.
- Bai, B., Shen, B., & Mei, H. (2020). Hong Kong primary students' self-regulated writing strategy use: Influences of gender, grade level, and writing proficiency. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 65, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2020.100839.
- Bai, B., Nie, Y. Y., & Lee, A. N. (2020). Academic self-efficacy, task importance and interest: Relations to English language learning in an Asian context. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1- 14. doi:10.1016/ j.tate.2020.103076.
- Bai, B., Wang, J., & Chai, C. S. (2019). Understanding Hong Kong primary school English teachers’ ccontinuance intention to teach with ICT. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1-24. doi: 10.1080/09588221.2019.1627459.
- Bai, B. & Guo, W. J. (2019). Motivation and self-regulated learning strategy use: Relationships to primary school students’ English writing competence in Hong Kong. Language Teaching Research, 1-22. doi:10.1177/1362168819859921.
- Guo, W. J. & Bai, B. (2019). Effects of self-regulated learning strategy use on motivation in EFL writing: A comparison between high and low achievers in Hong Kong primary schools. Applied Linguistics Review, 1-23. doi:10.1515/applirev-2018-0085.
- Bai, B. & Yuan, R. (2019). EFL teachers' beliefs and practices about pronunciation teaching. ELT Journal, 73, 134-143.
- Shen, B. & Bai, B. (2019). Facilitating university teachers’ continuing professional development through peer-assisted research and implementation team work in China. Journal of Education for Teaching, 45, 476-480. doi: 10.1080/02607476.2019.1639265.
- Bai, B., Chao, C. N. G., & Wang, C. (2019). The relationship between social support, self-efficacy and English language learning achievement in Hong Kong. TESOL Quarterly, 53, 208-221.
- Bai, B. & Guo, W. J. (2018). Influences of self-regulated learning (SRL) strategy use on self-efficacy in primary school students’ English writing in Hong Kong. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 34, 523-536.
- Bai, B. (2018). Understanding primary school students’ use of self-regulated writing strategies through think-aloud protocols. System, 78, 15-26.
- Bai, B. & Lo, C. K. (2018). The barriers of technology integration in Hong Kong primary school English education: Preliminary findings and recommendations for future practices. International Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics,4, 290-297.
- Wang, C. & Bai, B. (2017). Validating the instruments to measure ESL/EFL learners' self-efficacy beliefs and self-regulated learning strategies. TESOL Quarterly, 51, 931-947.
- Bai, B. (2015). An intervention study of writing strategies in Singapore primary schools. System, 53, 96-106.
- Bai, B., Hu, G. W., & Gu, Y. (2014). The relationship between writing strategies and English proficiency in Singapore primary schools. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23, 355-365.
- Bai, B. (2014). Enhancing in-service teachers’ professional learning through a school-based professional development programme in Hong Kong. Journal of Education for Teaching, 40, 434-436.
Scholarly books
- Bai, B. (2016). Writing strategies and strategy-based instruction in Singapore primary schools.Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Selected Research and Development Projects
- 2020-21 Quality Education Fund (QEF), Education Bureau, Hong Kong, HKD3,641,000 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Principal Investigator), Using e-Learning to develop primary school students’ 21st century skills in English language learning and teachers’ assessment literacy
- 2019-21 Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), English Alliance Projects, Hong Kong, HKD1,621,227 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Principal Investigator), E-writing in action and learning English with drama fun
- 2019-20 Quality Education Fund (QEF), Education Bureau, Hong Kong, HKD1,999,900 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Principal Investigator), Enhancing secondary students’ English writing through 3C-based activities, self-regulation strategies and e-Learning tools
- 2018-21 Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Competitive Research Funding Schemes (2018/2019, GRF/ECS), Hong Kong, HKD531,828, Hong Kong primary school students’ use of self-regulated writing strategies and effects of a strategy-based writing intervention
- 2017-18 Quality Education Fund Thematic Network (QTN) on English Language (Primary) 2017/2018 of QEF, Education Bureau, Hong Kong, HKD2,960,000 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Principal Investigator), Focusing on drama, project writing, and e-learning
Project website: