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Mr. LO Wing Chiu Jeffrey

Mr. LO Wing Chiu Jeffrey 羅穎超 
As a local architect in HK for the past 14 years, I have involved in various scale of constructions in HK - from the large scale project like the West Kowloon Express Rail Terminus to smaller scale alteration projects like shopping arcade reconfigurations and the recently completed Marriott Hotel at Ocean Park.

I am keen to share views and experience with the upcoming generations. As an alumna from Pennsylvania State University, I have been participated in the ‘PSU Study Abroad in China Summer Program’ in collaboration with HKU every summer since 2012, where I would guide the current students from United States with architectural walking tours in HK and briefed them with local architectural issues to promote HK Architecture. Being a graduate from the Diocesan Boys School, I am currently a committee member of the ‘Design & Built Environment Chapter’ of the Diocesan School Old Boys Association, where I dedicated my effort to connect the old boys in design & building industries and to reach out for the current DBS students deciding to take architecture major in universities and advise on their future career paths.

