School Partnership Scheme

Scheme Information

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Scheme information

School Partnership Scheme (SPS) is an elite program for selected schools and selected students. Schools and students are selected for their commitments and abilities in professional development.


  • Formal, long term (2 year) and sustainable relationships between Faculty and schools

  • Multiple subjects and students (3 or more) assigned to one school

  • The expertise and preferences of students are closely matched with the partner schools to ensure that student teachers will have robust professional development in TP

  • Student teachers will spend longer period in the TP school – about 3 months including the normal TP period. Student teachers will join selected school activities and classes on a voluntary basis outside the normal TP period.

  • Mentors need to come up with a plan to engage student teachers in a variety of school activities .e.g IT, ECA, STEM, counselling, environmental education, etc.

  • Mentors are required to attend no less than 40% of the student teacher’s classes and provide feedback afterward.