Online Teaching Practicum Platform (TP Platform) was launched to strengthen and facilitate communication between local schools and the Faculty, in regard to placement offer arrangements on Teaching Practicum and Pre-Teaching Practicum activities in 2020-21 academic year. The TP Platform includes the following functions:
1. Submitting and confirming placements offered and relevant arrangements, such as information of Mentors, Pre-TP visits and honorarium arrangements;
2. Viewing information of assigned student teacher(s);
3. Downloading and uploading related documents; and
4. Participating in the latest events organized by our Office.
The relevant login information has been sent to school and responsible coordinating teacher respectively in early June 2020.
Platform: https://tp.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/school/en/login
For queries, please contact our office (Email: spce@cuhk.edu.hk Tel: 3943 6961 / 3943 6987).