電郵 alancheung@cuhk.edu.hk
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曾任約翰霍普金斯大學教育學院副教授。現任約翰霍普金斯大學客座教授及南京師範大學特聘講座教授。研究範圍包括國際教育、雙語教育、學校整體改革、教育科技、階層線性模式及統合分析,參與多個相關範疇的大型隨機實驗及研究。(聯合)發表多篇論文、書章及研究報告,部份論文在著名學術期刊發表,如Review of Educational Research (RER)、Educational Research Review (ERR)、Journal of Educational Psychology (JEP)、American Educational Research Journal (AERJ)和Reading Research Quarterly (RRQ)。2008年在AERA期刊發表論文,獲評選為最佳論文,榮獲Palmer O. Johnson Memorial Award。2013年,他獲中文大學頒發「卓越研究獎」。2018年,他獲澳大利亞研究理事會(ARC)頒發Discovery International Award。曾在多個國家參與研究,包括英國、美國、中國、印度、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、愛爾蘭及墨西哥。任教科目:課堂與學校情景中的量化分析、香港教育政策、學校教育的架構與過程、香港教育制度及學校改進等教育議題。
- 教育市場化
- 高等教育
- 量化方法
- 學校效能與學校改進
- 學校評價
- SILP 6001 學校改善的議題及新發展
- SILP 6003 學校改善的評鑑
- PEDU 6404 課室與學校情景中的量化分析
- PGDP 5306 香港教育政策與實踐
- Wong, P. M., Cheung, A., & Yuen, W. W. (in press). A study of flows and mobility of mainland students: factors and issues behind pursuing teacher education program in Macao. International Journal of Educational Management.
- Cheung, A., Guo, X., Wang, X. R., & Miao, Z. (in press). Examining the motivation of mainland Chinese students pursuing Master of Education degrees in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Management.
- Cheung, A., Keung, P. C., & Mak, B. (in press). Examining the key stakeholders’ perceptions of student learning: Toward a paradigm shift in secondary education in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Education.
- Zhuang, T., Cheung, A., & Hung, F. S. (in press). Higher education in Central Asia: Development and challenges. Education Research Monthly.
- Corcoran, R., O’Flaherty, J., Xie, C., & Cheung, A. (in press). Conceptualizing and measuring social and emotional learning: A systematic review and meta-analysis of moral reasoning and academic ability, religiosity, political orientation, personality. Educational Research Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2019.100285
- Keung, P. C., & Cheung, A. (2019). Towards holistic supporting of play-based learning implementation in kindergarten: A mixed method study. Early Childhood Education Journal, 47(5), 627-640.
- Slavin, R. E., & Cheung, A. (2019). Evidence-based reform in education: Responses to criticism. Science Insights Education Frontier, 2(1), 65-69.
- Morrison, J. R., Ross, S. M., & Cheung, A. (2019). From the market to the classroom: How ed-tech products are procured by school districts interacting with vendors. Educational Technology Research and Development, 67(2), 389-421.
- Yuen, Y. M., & Cheung, A. (2018). Comparing school and civic engagement of Chinese and non-Chinese youth in Hong Kong. Journal of Youth Studies, 21 (1), 1-15.
- Cheung, A., Keung, P. C., & Kwan, Y. K., & Cheung, Y. S. (2018). Teachers’ perception of the effect of selected leadership practices on pre-primary children’s learning in Hong Kong. Early Child Development and Care, DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2018.1448394.
- Corcoran, R., Cheung, A., Kim, L., & Chen, X. (2018). Effective Universal school-based social and emotional learning programs for improving academic achievement: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 50 years of research. Educational Research Review, 25, 56-72.
- Positive Education for Whole Child Development
- Play, Learn, Grow in Hong Kong Kindergartens
- A Pilot Study on Kazakhstan on “The Demand for Higher Education and the Economic Development of the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’- Human Capital Investment and Exchange in Education: Phase I – A Case Study of Central Asia”
- The Chin Family Financially Literate Schools Programme
- Raising the Literacy Bar for Economically Disadvantaged Students
- Examining the effects of ABRACADABRA, a Web-based Literacy Program on Primary Schools in Nanjing China
- A Comprehensive, Territory-wide Initiative Promoting Talent Development and Gifted Education in Hong Kong
- Support Programme on Fostering Communities of Practice to Enhance Small Class Teaching
- An Applied Study of Chinese Language and Linguistics from a Belt and Road Perspective
- How Can the Dragon Soar? An Interdisciplinary Approach to China’s Post-Reform Dialectics of State, Market and Space
- Transition from Secondary to Post-Secondary Education: Access, Obstacles, and Success Factors of Immigrant, Minority and Low Income Youth in Hong Kong