
Academic Staff

WONG Lai-ngok, Jocelyn

Associate Professor

WONG Lai-ngok, Jocelyn

B.A., PGDE. M. Phil., (CUHK); PhD (Sydney)

Served as secondary school teacher and Chinese History subject head teacher, Assistant Project Manager, lecturer, Post-doctoral fellow at the University of Hong Kong, Assistant Professor at National Institute of Education of Singapore and Hong Kong Institute of Education. Courses taught include Education reform in Chinese societies, Teacher development and leadership and Structure and process of schooling. Research areas include Educational decentralization policy, Education reforms and development in China, Teacher professionalism within reform contexts and school-based professional development of teachers.

Research Interests
  • Education and Politics
  • Education Ethnography
  • Education Marketization
  • Education Policy
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Teacher Professional Development
Courses Taught
  • EDUC 3260 Teacher Development and Leadership
  • PEDU 6402 Qualitative Method in Educational Research
  • PGDE 5221 Education Reform in Chinese Societies
  • PGDE 5226 Teacher Development and Leadership
  • PGDP 5311 Education Reform in Chinese Societies
  • PGDP 5314 Teacher Development & Leadership
  • UGEC 2601 Educational Change in Chinese Societies
Recent Publications
  • WONG Lai Ngok. “How has recent curriculum reform in China influenced school-based teacher learning? An ethnographic study of two subject departments in Shanghai,China”. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education vol.40 no.4, pp.347-361. Routledge, 11/2012.
  • WONG Lai Ngok. “What makes a professional learning community to be possible? A case study of a Mathematics department in a junior secondary school of China”. Asia Pacific Education Review, 11(2), 131-139, 2010.
  • WONG Lai Ngok. “Searching for good practices in teaching: A comparison of two subject-based professional learning communities in a secondary schools in Shanghai, China”. Compare, 40(5), 623-639, 2010.
  • TSUI B. M. Amy and WONG Lai Ngok. “In Search of a Third Space: Teacher Development in Mainland China”. Revisiting The Chinese Learner: Changing Contexts, Changing Education ed. by Carol K.K. Chan & Nirmala Rao. pp.281-311. Hong Kong SAR: Springer; Comparative Education Research Centre of The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
  • WONG Lai Ngok. “How does the new emphasis on managerialism in education redefine teacher professionalism? A case study in Guangdong Province of China”. Educational Review vol.60 no.3, pp.267-282. Routledge, 01/08/2008.
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