Prof. LEUNG Kit-ying, Suzannie

BA (CityU), PGDPsy, MEd (CUHK), MA (HKBU), PGDE, PhD (HKU)

Assistant Professor

Prof. LEUNG Kit-ying, Suzannie

Prof. LEUNG Kit-ying, Suzannie

Assistant Professor

HTB Rm. 312
3943 6983

Dr. Suzannie Leung graduated from the City University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree in Creative Media. She further obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education from The University of Hong Kong (Distinction), a Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology and a Master of Education degree in Educational Psychology from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Dean's List), and a Master of Arts degree in Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University (Merit). She finished her PhD at The University of Hong Kong and her doctoral thesis focused on visual arts education in Hong Kong kindergartens. She is a registered kindergarten teacher and a qualified kindergarten principal. With over ten years of educational experience in a variety of settings, she has engaged in kindergarten teacher education, curriculum development, programme design for gifted children and curatorial work of early childhood art exhibitions. She served as a lecturer in the Early Childhood Education and Elementary Division of Hong Kong Baptist University, and an assistant professor in the School of Education and Languages, The Open University of Hong Kong.
Research Areas
Early childhood curriculum and pedagogy, early visual arts, creativity in early childhood, teacher education and development
Selected Publications
  1. Leung, S. K. Y. (Accepted). Concept of word in text: The prerequisite in early English literacy for ESL learners in Hong Kong. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education.
  2. Leung, S. K. Y. (Accepted). Socially engaged practice to listen to children’s voices. Art Education.
  3. Leung, S. K. Y. (Accepted). Resisting neoliberalism through children’s pretend play: A case study in Hong Kong. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. [ESCI]
  4. Leung, S. K. Y.*, Chiu, J. L. Y. & Lam, Y. (Accepted). Online storytelling for young children during the pandemic. Childhood Education.
  5. Leung, S. K. Y.*, Choi, W. Y. & Yuen, M. (Accepted). Creative digital art: Young children’s video making through practice-based learning. In Garvis, S. & Cohrssen, C., Embedding STEAM in Early Childhood Education and Care. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  6. Leung, S. K. Y. (2020). Project superhero: Liberating children’s play through socially-engaged art. InSEA ART Education VISUAL Journal IMAG, 10, 1-7.
  7. Leung, S. K. Y. (2020). Teachers’ belief-and-practice gap in implementing early visual arts curriculum in Hong Kong. Journal of Curriculum Studies. DOI: 10.1080/00220272.2020.1795271 [SSCI; Impact Factor: 1.484]
  8. Leung, S. K. Y.*, Wan, S. W. Y., Orchard, J. & Davids, N. (2020). Consolidating pre-service teachers’ metacognition of online dialogue through visual methods: A Hong Kong case study. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46(5), 693-696. [SSCI; Impact Factor: 1.483]
  9. Leung, S. K. Y.*, Choi, W. Y. & Yuen, M. (2020). Video art as digital play for young children. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(2), 531-554. [SSCI; Impact Factor: 2.951]
  10. Leung, S. K. Y.* & Hoshmand, A. R. (2019). The imperative of arts in general education: Does art enhance quality learning? Journal of General Education, 68(3-4), 153-168.
  11. Cheung, S. K., Fong, R. W., Leung, S. K. Y., & Ling, E. K. (2019). The roles of Hong Kong pre-service early childhood teachers' creativity and zest in their self-efficacy in creating child-centered learning environments. Early Education and Development, 30(6), 788-799. [SSCI; Impact Factor: 1.504]
  12. Leung, S. K. Y. (2019). Translanguaging through visual arts in early childhood: A case study in a Hong Kong kindergarten. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 13(1), 47-67.
  13. Leung, S. K. Y. (2018). An exploratory study of early visual arts education in two Hong Kong kindergartens. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 32(4), 392-403.
    *Corresponding author

Selected Conference Presentations
  1. Leung, S. K. Y. & Yuen, M. (November, 2020). Exploring children’s sense of humor through pop-up storybook production in gifted education. Zoom paper presentation at The 16th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness 2020 held from 27 to 29 November 2020 in Daegu, Korea.
  2. Chan, S., Leung, S. K. Y. & Yuen, M. (November, 2020). Telling my story: A workshop in creativity and early career awareness. Zoom workshop session at The 16th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness 2020 held from 27 to 29 November 2020 in Daegu, Korea.
  3. Leung, S. K. Y., & Wan, S. W. Y. (July, 2019). A systematic review of applying drawing methods in studying teacher leadership. Paper presentation at The European Conference on Education 2019 held from 19 to 21 July 2019 in University College London, UK.
  4. Leung, S. K. Y., Choi, W. Y. & Yuen, M. (April, 2019). Digital play for young children in gifted education. Paper presentation at 2019 International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence held from 12 to 16 April 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan.
  5. Leung, S. K. Y. (November, 2018). Nurturing children’s creativity through visual arts: Creative dialogues in the early years. Symposium titled “The challenge of promoting creativity in the Chinese early childhood context”, presented at the Taiwan Education Research Association- Global Association of Chinese Creativity 2018 held from 8 to 11 November 2018 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Funded Research Projects
  1. Principal Investigator, Investigating teachers’ perceptions of the affordances of digital devices in early visual arts education (Co-investigator: Dr. Sally Wan, CUHK), Direct Grant for Research 2020-21, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mar 2021 – Aug 2022, HK$ 69,120
  2. Principal Investigator, Investigating kindergarten teachers’ content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge of visual arts education in Hong Kong (Collaborators: Dr. Kimburley Choi, CityU; Dr. Alfredo Bautista, EdUHK), Early Career Scheme 2019-20, Research Grants Council, Jan 2020 – Jun 2022, HK$ 661,984
  3. Principal Investigator, Validation of Chinese teachers’ beliefs scale on early visual arts education (Co-investigator: Dr. Joseph Wu, CityU), Direct Grant for Research 2018-19, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mar 2019 – Feb 2021, HK$ 32,516.4
  4. Co-investigator, Provision of training courses and related resource materials on developing flipped classroom and virtual fieldwork materials in geography, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government (PI: Prof. Morris Jong, CUHK), Jan 2021 – Feb 2022, HK$896,425
  5. Co-investigator, Using learning management system (LMS) and IT tools to develop self-directed learning abilities of primary school students, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government (PI: Prof. Morris Jong, CUHK), Sep 2020 – Mar 2022, HK$540,960
  6. Co-investigator, Project evaluation of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust British Council core skills for life, British Council Hong Kong (PI: Dr. Sally Wan, CUHK), Nov 2018 – Oct 2021, HK$ 499,986
  7. Co-investigator, Needs assessment and curriculum design of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Ridge to Reef (RfR), The Nature Conservancy Hong Kong Foundation Ltd (PI: Dr. Sally Wan, CUHK), Sep 2019 – Dec 2020, HK$ 343,214

Professional Community Services
  1. Executive Committee Member, World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP-Hong Kong) (2020 – 2022)
  2. Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Kowloon and N.T. Kindergarten Education Advancement Association (2019 – Present)
  3. Specialist of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) in the areas of Education and Arts, Design and Performing Arts (October 2018 – 31 December 2021)
  4. Accreditation Panel Member, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (2018 – Present)
  5. Council Member, Education Governance Council, The Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Command (2018 – Present)

  1. Editorial board member, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood (2020 – 2025)
  2. Guest editor (Editor: Dr. Gail Yuen), Special Issue: Innovative forms of play in Asian contexts, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood (Dec 2021)
  3. Co-editor (Editor: Dr. Mantak Yuen), Nurturing Talents APFG Newsletter, Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness (2018 – 2020)
  4. Reviewer, Cogent Education (Taylor & Francis Group) (2019 – Present)
  5. Reviewer, Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education (2019 – Present)