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Service Programme

With the implementation of the 4-year undergraduate curriculum, students have more space to engage in enhanced student development opportunities.  The Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning encourages both University units and students to appreciate the totality of activities on offer, so that students can gain maximum benefit from participation in appropriate activities and services.  In order to reinforce the caring spirit and instill the sense of ownership for personal development, the conceptual framework for whole-person development for CUHK students has been developed into the programme ‘I•CARE’; the letters ICARE spell out the five educational goals in whole-person development. In helping students to move towards these goals, the formal curriculum is supplemented by non-formal learning activities (such as experiential learning activities, service, internship, exchange).
In line with the College’s educational mission and the University’s emphasis given to non-formal learning as an integral part of the whole-person development effort, CW Chu College aims to develop its Service programmes in several domains:
1.  Student oriented college service and activities
This can be implemented for example through College functional (sub) committees: through initiating, planning, organizing and running effective committees for the welfare and benefit of college members (college dining, residential, reading club, tuck shop, etc).
2.  Social and community service in Hong Kong
A systematic and progressive undertaking that begins with acquiring basic knowledge on social issues/ problems/ developments and social service, then moving on to field visits which aim at presenting the actual practice of some of these social organizations and agencies.  Students are expected to identify their topics of interest early which can also be developed into a final-year project (FYP).  The College can work with outside social agencies and NGOs for a more tailor-made module.
A CWC Service Team has been established, and its projects in the summer of 2013-2019 involve working with local schools that enroll a large percentage of disadvantaged students, via a summer camp and related activities.
Service 2019 Service 2018 Service 2018 2
3.  Civic engagement and service learning
The College liaises with outside agencies (social, professional and/or corporate) and seeks to provide the opportunity for students to be exposed to a variety of possibilities to engage in service learning and as a result, to begin to reflect on the values, challenges and rewards of service and engagement work.
In 2012–13, the College has worked with Education for Good to introduce social entrepreneurship to students.
Social entrepreneurship 2 Social Entrepreneurship 3
4.  Overseas opportunities
The College also encourages students to participate in overseas service and related opportunities. In the summer of 2013, two students visited the Yunus Centre in Bangladesh to gain exposure to social entrepreneurship in a poor country, and three medical students joined a service trip to Watoto in Uganda.
Bangladesh Trip P1000601 Watoto Trip
In all efforts, in addition to just carrying out the activities, learning to plan, evaluate and report will be important.  There will be guidance from College teachers all along.
