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College Teaching Staff - Prof. DRUZIN Bryan

College Teaching StaffPhoto-Druzin
Professor DRUZIN Bryan
Telephone  (852) 3943 1044
Fax (852) 2994 2505
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Bryan Druzin (唐宇) joined the Faculty of Law in 2012. He has a keen interest in inter-disciplinary research and applied legal theory. Prof. Druzin's chief research interests lie at the intersection of legal theory and contract law with a strong emphasis upon law and economics. He has published extensively in this area in a variety of leading journals. Prof. Druzin received his B.A. (history) as well as LL.B. from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. After working at a Canadian NGO advocating for criminal law reform, he went on to complete a LL.M. in 2008 at the University of British Columbia, focusing upon the area of spontaneous ordering in relation to contract. Prof. Druzin completed his PhD at King's College London. His doctoral work focused upon the idea of spontaneous law: normative structures not created by the authority of nation states but rather generated from the bottom-up. In this respect, his research exhibits a decidedly inter-disciplinary approach, drawing upon many aspects of evolutionary game theory, law and economics, and the literature on law and norms.

Prof. Druzin is currently researching various applications of theories developed in his doctoral work. These are quite varied and range from such topics as rapid normative changes in Chinese Internet censorship to the private ordering potential of public international law. Selected areas of non-legal interest include: linguistic theory, sociology, economics, and meta-ethics. Prof. Druzin previously held a lectureship at the School of Law at Brunel University where he taught classes in International trade law, Company law, and Constitutional law. Prof. Druzin is fluent in Mandarin having lived in Taipei, Taiwan for approximately ten years where he worked for many years in the private sector.

More information can be found on department webpage.

Committee on Student Discipline

Terms of Reference
  1. To develop, recommend to the Assembly and periodically keep in view the Code of Conduct for students, both as members of the College and as hostel residents
  2. To develop, recommend to the Assembly and periodically keep in view the Disciplinary Procedures for handling student misconduct
  3. To form Disciplinary Panels to hear, decide and where necessary recommend penalties in the case of complaints on student misconduct
  4. In the event of appeals against the decision of the Disciplinary Panels to act as the appellant body and to rule on the appeal
  5. To refer cases to the Senate Committee on Student Discipline where required by University Regulations, because of
  6. (a) the nature of the alleged offence,
    (b) the severity of the penalty recommended, or
    (c) an appeal against a decision of the Committee

  7. To handle any other tasks assigned by the Assembly of Fellows
  8. To be accountable to Assembly of Fellows

Professor HALL Stephen (Chairperson)
Professor HANSON EDWARDS Jette
Professor HSU Ning Vernon

Professor LEE Tin Lap
Professor LO Chi Fai Edward
Dr NG Siu Kuen Robert


Committee on Staffing and Budget

Terms of Reference
  1. To receive the annual income estimate and advise on the annual expenditure budget of the College
  2. Upon the request of the Master to advise on any other staffing matters within the College.
  3. To handle any other tasks assigned by the Assembly of Fellows
  4. To be accountable to Assembly of Fellows


Professor CHAN Wai-Yee (Chairperson)
Professor AU Kwok Keung Thomas
Professor HSU Ning Vernon
Professor KIELY Jan
Professor LI Tjonnie Guang Feng
Professor TEOH Jeremy Yuen-Chun


Committee on Student Affairs

Terms of Reference
  1. To advise and make recommendations to the College on matters relating to student affairs
  2. To implement student development policies and programmes in relation to student affairs*
  3. To plan and organize pastoral care and counseling for students, and to develop a plan and procedure for professional referral in cases where such a need is detected
  4. To administer the College's student development programmes
  5. To advise and assist the development of student bodies
  6. In collaboration with the Committee on College Life to advise and assist the organization of student activities
  7. To handle any other tasks assigned by the Assembly of Fellows
  8. To be accountable to Assembly of Fellows

(* Programmes and activities will be handled by the Committee on College Life and mentorship, internship and service will be handled by the Committee on Mentorship, Internship and Service.)


Professor AU Kwok Keung Thomas (Chairperson, Dean of Students, ex-officio member)
Professor CHAIR Sek Ying
Mr LAM Ho Fung
Professor TEOH Jeremy Yuen-Chun



Committee on Service


Terms of Reference
  1. To plan and seek service opportunities (both in and outside Hong Kong) for students, including social entrepreneurship opportunities, with emphasis on educational benefits
  2. In collaboration with the Committee on General Education to promote integration of service activities with College General Education
  3. To regularly review the effectiveness of service programmes, and to plan quality improvements
  4. To handle any other tasks assigned by the Assembly of Fellows
  5. To be accountable to Assembly of Fellows

(* It is expected that this Committee will work closely with the Committee on Student Affairs.) 


Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos (Chairperson) 
Professor CHAIR Sek Ying 

Professor JIANG Yuanan
Professor WONG Hei Sunny
Dr LEUNG Hoi Tik Alvin
Ms NG Wai Ching Irene








