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Dr. LAM Tony

Dr. LAM Tony 林惟良
Tony Lam is the first Chu Scholar who has started his career in TV production field in HK, after receiving his media education from the USA. With his seasoned media production experience, he was recruited as the Head of the Media Production Section of the City Polytechnic (now City University) in 1984. Dr Lam then joined HKUST in 1991, and was in charge of setting up all the AV and educational technology facilities for this new university. He became the founding director of the Publishing Technology Center of HKUST in 2003.
When HKUST was in the process of making a faster pace in internationalizing her student intake, Dr Lam was named Head of the Outreach and Summer Programs of HKUST in 2006. In a few short years, he built the signature Summer@UST Programs and helped pioneer several well-acclaimed international collaboration initiatives (including the French EDHEC Intercontinental Track Program, the Talented Youth Summer Program, the World Class Tests Asia Center, the HKUST–Johns Hopkins CTY Summer Program, and the Center for the Development of the Gifted and Talented). He is now the Associate Director of the Student Affairs Office and Head of the Scholarships and Financial Aid Office at HKUST.

