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Scholarships for Exchange or Special Programmes

To encourage student participation in both the University–wide and college initiated exchange programmes, CW Chu College will provide top-up financial support to students who would like to go for exchange during the four years of study.   For College exchange programmes, these scholarships will be automatically considered with the applications for exchange. For U-wide/departmental exchange programmes, students with confirmed offers may submit applications for exchange scholarships, details will be announced by the College via mass email in due course. The amount of scholarships granted depends on the destination of the exchange programmes, students' contributions to the College and their financial need.
The List of Exchange Scholarships


Amount per Scholarship

No. of Awards in 2014-15

CW Chu Foundation Scholarships



Cha Chi Ming Liu Bie Ju and Mingly Corporation Scholarship
$5,000 - $10,000


Dr. Ng Tat-lun Memorial Scholarships

$5,000 - $10,000


Samson Leung Scholarship



CW Chu College also provides scholarships/financial support to students participating in overseas summer programmes/outreach activities such as service trips, research programmes, overseas internship and intensive English immersion. The scholarship amount may vary but participating students are expected to partially support themselves. The College will call for applications in Term 2 of each academic year, details will be announced via mass email to all CWC students.
Recipients of the scholarships for exchange or special programmes are expected to share their learning experiences with their fellow students at communal dinners or other occasions.
The List of Financial Support for Overseas Summer Programmes/Outreach Activities


Amount Per Scholarship

No. of Awards in 

CW Chu Foundation Scholarships

$2,600- $10,200


Summer Programme at Utrecht University, the Netherlands     

Reaching Out Award*



* The quotas of this Award were allocated by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA).
