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Student Honour Code Committee

The Student Honour Code Committee (SHCC) is formed by the Assembly of Fellows, consisting of students only, to manage the Student Honour Code.
Membership and formation
(a) The SHCC shall consist of 5 members (1 Chairman and 4 committee members) elected annually for a term of office of one academic year by and from among the student members of the College.
(b) Unless the Assembly of Fellows decides otherwise, elections to the SHCC shall be held in Week 10 of Term 2 each year.
    (c) The elections referred to in paragraph (b) shall be conducted in accordance with rules to be adopted by the Assembly of Fellows.
      (d) The terms of office for all members elected shall commence on the first day of the academic year following their election.
        (e) One member of the SHCC shall be elected by all members of the SHCC to serve as Chairman and who shall have observer status at meetings of the AoF, subject to such conditions as the AoF shall decide from time to time.
          (f) No person who holds office as a member of the Executive Committee of the Students’ Union of the University or the Executive Committee of the Students’ Union of the College may simultaneously be a member of the SHCC.
            (g) No person who will not have attained the age of eighteen years by the beginning of the term of office referred to in paragraph (a) shall be eligible for election to the SHCC.
              (h) In the event of a vacancy caused by resignation from the SHCC, departure from the College, the operation of paragraph (f), or any other reason, the remaining members of the SHCC shall elect a replacement to serve out the remainder of the term of office of the former member.
                Student Honour Code Committee
                The 8th SHCC was elected in mid-April 2020 by the student body and their term of office will begin on the first day of the academic year 2020–21. The membership is shown below.

                  Member Major & Year of Study
                1 JIANG Yilei Computer Science, Year 2
                2 MANAV Alok Kumar (Chairperson) Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Year 3
                3 WANG Pin-Hao Quantitative Finance, Year 2
                4 WONG Yat Tung Religious Studies, Year 2
                5 XU Jing Financial Technology, Year 2
