College Fellow - Prof. ZHOU Xunyu
Xunyu ZHOU (周迅宇) is a Fellow of CW Chu College. He obtained his BS and PhD from Fudan University. He joined CUHK in 1993, and currently holds a Chair Professorship of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management. Until the establishment of CW Chu College, he was affiliated with United College. Zhou’s primary research areas are quantitative finance and risk management, and he has been recently engaged in the study of behavioural finance. He is an invited speaker at the 2010 International Congress of Mathematicians, a Fellow of IEEE, a winner of the SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize, and a recipient of the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship. Zhou worked in Kobe University and the University of Toronto before joining CUHK, and in the University of Oxford as the Nomura Chair of Mathematical Finance and Professorial Fellow at St Hugh’s College 2007-2010. He was a member of the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. More information can be found on the departmental webpage. |