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College Orientation Activity 2020

Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19, we will NOT organize a College Orientation Camp this year. Instead, a Virtual Welcoming Session arranged by the Organizing Committee of College Orientation Activities (OC) will be held with details as follows:
2 September 2020 (Wednesday) 
Students of CW Chu College are required to attend the College Virtual Welcoming Session; exemption may be sought from the College Dean of Students, given a strong and valid reason.
Student helpers
A group of students have formed the Organizing Committee (OC) and there are also group leaders (組爸媽).
Composition of 
student groups
To facilitate communication and offer prompt assistance to new students, freshmen from different places of origin will be arranged into several groups, with 34 group leaders in each group, and at least one of the group leaders will be proficient in English/ Putonghua/ Cantonese.
Mr. Ye Hai Yu Benny, President of the Organizing Committee of College Orientation Activities 2020
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Programme Rundown
  • Introduction of CW Chu College
  • Sharing by the College Master, Dean of Students, Warden and Chair of the GE Committee
  • Introduction of the OC and various student organizations of CWC
  • Ice-breaking session and small group meetings with Jobama (組爸媽)
Remarks: The College Office and the Organising Committee of College Orientation Activities 2020 will contact all students by email and phone (for those who are in Hong Kong), and notify them in late August 2020 about the detailed arrangements for the above programmes.

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