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Extended Orientation

The Extended Orientation is an integral component of the overall orientation programme of the College. While the purpose of the College Orientation Camp is to create a welcoming environment that fosters a sense of community among the incoming students and connects them to teachers, staff and other students, the Extended Orientation is to introduce and reinforce the many resources and support made available to students that will help them make informed choices and appropriate educational plans during their four years at university. Specifically, College will present a guiding framework for a fruitful, meaningful and enjoyable College life and academic learning through the communication of expectations and norms. The main goal then is to ensure enough guidance and support are provided for a smooth transition to university life.
The Extended Orientation is organized as a series of sessions in the first few weeks of Term 1 and covering various essential topics.  It is part of the College’s non-credit bearing GE programme.  A grade of satisfactory attendance (PP) will be logged on the transcripts upon completion.

A total of three sessions of the Extended Orientation will be arranged via the Zoom platform:

Date 11, 18 & 25 Sep 2020 (Fridays)


11:30 am to 1:00 pm

Attendance  All sessions are compulsory

Students who have to be absent from any of the sessions are required to send an email with a good reason to the College Dean of Students at least 3 working days before the class via Ms. Alice Tang, Executive Officer (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) of the College Office.


Session & Date (2020)


(All sessions are compulsory)

1st Session

11 Sep (Fri), 11:30 am–1:00 pm

1. Enriching My Learning Experience at College

  • Introduction of College teachers and staff
  • The concept of full residence and communal dining
  • Brief introduction of College programme/ activities and resources
  • Introduction of Peer Monitoring Program
  • Student Development Portfolio (SDP)

2nd Session

18 Sep (Fri), 11:30 am–1:00 pm

2. Creating a Congenial Learning Environment: Mental Wellness, and Gender Equality and Mutual Respect

  • Mental wellness talk and survey
  • A talk given by the representative of the Committee Against Sexual Harassment on Gender and Sexuality

3rd Session

25 Sep (Fri), 11:30 am–1:00 pm

3. Resolving the Dilemmas of Ethical Living (ICAC)

  • Enhancing students’ understanding of ethical challenges and equipping them with the necessary skills in making sound decisions
  • A talk given by Chief Youth and Education Officer from the Community Relations Department, ICAC


EO 2019 IMG E3416EO 2019 IMG 9861EO 2019 IMG 9862

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