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Mr. CHAU Sze Ngai Jeffrey

Mr. CHAU Sze Ngai Jeffrey 周思藝
Mr Jeffrey Chau graduated from Lancaster University (BA in Social Administration, specialized in Youth & Community Care) in 1987, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK (Dip in Recreation Management) in 1996, and Alliance Bible Seminary (MA in Christian Study) in 2005.
He is an experienced youth worker and leadership trainer, and is currently Associate General Secretary of Breakthrough Ltd. He has participated in Oxfam Hong Kong as a volunteer / advisor / council member since 1991, to work with people against poverty. He is also a member of Innovation and Technology Business Management Committee, HKCSS and a school manager of Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School.
Mr Jeffrey Chau looks for mentees who share the belief that ‘Every youth can develop one’s potential to the fullest and contribute to the well-being of society.’

