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College Fellow - Prof. HSU Vernon

CWC_Fellow_VernonCollege Fellow
Professor HSU Vernon

Telephone (852) 3943 1739
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Professor Vernon Hsu (徐寧) is a Fellow of CW Chu College. He received his Bachelor degree in Mathematics from Fujian Normal University in China at the age of 20. In the late 80s, he continued his graduate study in the US and obtained two master’s degrees in Computer Sciences and Economics, respectively, and later a PhD in Business Administration, all from The University of Iowa.

Professor Hsu had taught at George Mason University in U. S. for 15 years before joining CUHK in 2009 as a Professor of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics. He is currently the Associate Dean for Research in CUHK’s Faculty of Business Administration. He had also held faculty positions at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of New South Wales in Australia.

In his nearly two decades of higher education teaching career, Professor Hsu had developed and taught various undergraduate courses in business administration. Through these courses, he taught students how to design and improve business processes to achieve higher efficiency using scientific management skills and modern technologies.

More information can be found on the departmental webpage.

