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Mr. LIU Man Lai Manly

Mr. LIU Man Lai Manly 廖文禮 
Manly LIU is a Chu Scholar and attended Boston University with a scholarship from Mr CW Chu.  He held a Guggenheim Merit Fellowship at Princeton and obtained an MS in Aeronautical & Astronomical Engineering from MIT.  He also has a Financial Risk Management (FRM) designation. 
Manly Liu is an investment management professional with over 18 years of experiences, specializing in trading fixed-income, equities and currencies related capital market products globally.  He has also worked in the IT industry, on the development and deployment of risk management systems for internet-based firms.  He gained experience in risk management at Fidelity Investments (Boston) and was a quantitative analyst at Springfield Group.  He was Senior VP at Asia Financial Assets Management Ltd (hedge funds with AUM over US$100 M).  He was the HKSFC-licensed Responsible Officer for the Asset Management Division at CITIC Capital (AUM over US$170 M).  He now works as an investment representative in the private banking arm of a major investment bank, advising clients in capital markets services and investments through an asset allocation approach managed from a robust risk management perspective.

