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Language Enhancement

The College provides opportunities for language enhancement, consisting principally of activities outside the classroom and complementing the credit-bearing courses offered by the language units. Several of the activities below are supported by the College Language and Culture Enhancement Fund provided by the University, and also by various benefactors who have donated to general as well as specific programmes.
As part of the process of quality assurance and continuous improvement, a simple student evaluation will be expected after most activities.
A multi-lingual college environment
The diversity of the student body means that there is a variety of native languages and dialects. The College expects that interactions among students and teachers will always make use of a language/ dialect that is common to all participants, both as a sign of mutual respect and providing an opportunity for language enhancement.
Movie Nights 
Selected Putonghua and English movies are screened at the College hostel a few times per term. It is expected that students' language skills can be enhanced through watching movies and engaging in discussions afterwards.
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Toastmasters Club Taster Sessions
The Toastmasters Club is an international organisation that promotes public speaking and leadership, and there is one club in each of the four larger colleges already. CW Chu College students have been encouraged to take part in series of Toastmasters Club ‘taster sessions’ where they can improve public speaking skills through peer sharing of tips on oratory, prepared and impromptu speeches and peer evaluation and support. The Club can be set up when a core group has been formed.
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Social English Skills for Cross-Cultural Communication
The aim of the workshops is to raise students' self-confidence when using English on social occasions.  Students can acquire the building blocks for effective English communication and have oral practices through group discussions and role play exercises. The College engages the service of a native English speaker to lead the programme in Term 1 of each academic year.
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Social English 18-19 03 Social English 18-19 04
Language Immersion
One effective way to acquire a language is to immerse oneself in the environment where the target language is widely spoken. To give students better exposure in a Putonghua-speaking environment and opportunities to enhance their Putonghua skills. A number of  study tours to China were offered to students of the College since summer 2014 which covered places including Beijing, Ningbo, Suzhou, Shanghai, Chongqing, and the Pearl River Delta area. Scholarships and financial support were also provided to students who have participated in qualified language immersion programmes during the summer period. Interested students please refer to College's email announcements for application details.
Language Immersion Beijing 2016 a01 Language Immersion Beijing 2016 02 

The Study Tour To Suzhou and Shanghai (2014 Summer)
Photo Album

Cultural Visit to Southwest China - Chongqing Region (2014 Summer)
Photo Album

Study Tour to Pearl River Delta Area (2015 Summer)
Photo Album

Cultural and Language Study Tour to Beijing (2016 Summer)
Photo Album

Cultural and Language Study Tour to Beijing (2017 Summer)
Photo Album

Ningbo Hong Kong Summer Exposure Programme 2018 (2018 Summer)
Photo Album

Cultural and Language Study Tour to Beijing (2018 Summer)
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Cultural Tour to Shandong University Cheeloo College of Medicine (2018 Summer)
Photo Album
