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Committee of Overseers


Terms of Reference

1. To guide, support and formulate College policies for the strategic development of C W Chu College in accordance with the mission and vision of the College, and with the policies and guidelines that the Council of the University may approve from time to time. 

2. To support and enhance the College’s efforts in
(a) building a good and positive image of the College both locally and abroad; 
(b) raising funds and other resources for the benefit of the College;
(c) developing a conducive environment for the pursuit of the College’s goals and ideals; and
(d) fostering a strong and an enduring community network of patrons, benefactors, alumni and friends.

3. To advise the Master and the Assembly of Fellows on the healthy and smooth operation and development of the College.

4. To review and endorse the budget of the College and oversee the operation and use of the endowment fund.

5. To endorse any proposed amendment(s) of the Constitution of the College, for the approval of the Council.

6. To undertake such other duties as may be referred to it by the Council or the Vice-Chancellor.

Chairman: Dr CHU David
Members: Mr HEUNG Shu-fai
  Dr LEONG Edwin SH
  Mr LEUNG Samson
  Prof LI Victor OK, BBS
  Mr MA Ching-hang, Patrick, BBS, JP
  Mrs MA Katherine, BBS
  Mr TONG Carl
  Mr WONG Simon
  Dr YIP Peter
ex officio Member: Prof CHAN Wai-Yee, College Master
Secretary: Ms LEE Melody, College Secretary
1st  14 Nov 2012
2nd 22 Apr 2013
3rd 12 Nov 2013 
4th 12 Nov 2014 
5th 16 May 2015 
6th 12 Nov 2015 
7th 13 May 2016 
8th 10 Nov 2016 
9th 12 May 2017 
10th 8 Nov 2017 
11th 11 May 2018
12th 15 Nov 2018
13th 10 May 2019
14th 7 Nov 2019


 Committee of Overseers 2017
