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Committee on Hostel, Building & Campus Management

Terms of Reference
  1. To keep in view and advise on improvements to the campus.
  2. To recommend the optimal uses of buildings and sites.
  3. To advise on the naming of parts of the College buildings (other than whole blocks).
  4. To develop policies on building maintenance, and to advise on and supervise a sinking fund for that purpose.
  5. Together with the Warden, develop and implement student hostel policies, and to advise on hostel fees.
  6. Together with the Warden, oversee the management and operation of the College's student hostel.
  7. To handle any matters in relation to the appointment of resident tutors that are referred to the Committee by the Warden.
  8. To oversee the management and operation of the Multi-Purpose Hall.
  9. To develop and implement policies on the use of College facilities (including for example summer residence, visitor flats, use of facilities for events organized by parties outside the College), to advise on the level of charges, including but not limited to facilities booking and usage charges, breakage penalties and replacement charges, and to advise on ways to maximize utilization and revenue.
  10. To develop and implement the College's policies on environmental protection.
  11. To handle any other tasks assigned by the Assembly of Fellows.
  12. To be accountable to Assembly of Fellows.



Professor CHAN Wai-Yee (Chairperson)
Professor AU Kwok Keung Thomas
Professor FERRETTO Peter Winston 
Professor WONG Suk Ying (Warden, ex-officio member)
Professor YOUNG Kenneth

Ms LEE Melody (College Secretary, ex-officio member)

