CW Chu College Newsletter (Issue 6)
The 6th Issue of the CW Chu College Newsletter has been uploaded on the College website.
Contents of this issue:
(1) From the Editor
(2) Ceremony for the Inauguration of the Mentorship Scheme and the Presentation of Scholarships
(3) Donations (From 9 Oct 2012 to 8 Feb 2013)
(4) Personalia
(5) New Members (as of February 2013)
(6) The Committee of Overseers
(7) College Founder’s Day
(8) Campus Development
(9) Communal Dinner Talks
(10) High Table Dinners
(11) College Promotional Events
(12) College Activities
(13) Sports
(14) Provisional Student Union
(15) Outbound Exchange
(16) Visitors
(17) Conference Presentation
(18) Master Meets Students
(19) VC Meets Students
(20) The CUHK 50th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony ‧ Walkathon and Carnival
(21) Next Issues