College Teaching Staff - Prof CHEUNG Chi Kwan Vincent
College Teaching Staff
A native of Hong Kong, Vincent Chi Kwan Cheung is an assistant professor at the School of Biomedical Sciences of CUHK’s Faculty of Medicine. He obtained his bachelor degree in Mathematics and Pharmacology & Therapeutics (minor in Arts) from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Subsequently, he received his Ph. D. in Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering from MIT and the Harvard Medical School, and then postdoc training at the MIT McGovern Institute for Brain Research. Vincent’s research has focused on understanding how the brain and spinal cord control and learn voluntary movement. He is also interested in translating basic knowledge of motor control into new rehabilitation strategies for stroke survivors. His papers have appeared in many journals including PNAS, Journal of Neuroscience, and Neural Computation. More information can be found on the departmental webpage.
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