Application for College Bursaries 2020/21


Application Deadline: 9 October 2020 (Friday) 5:00 p.m.


The College offers a number of bursaries to local students who cannot get sufficient financial assistance under the Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly Funded Programmes (TSFS) provided by the Government. Below is the list of bursaries that are open for application in 2020/21:

  1. Austin-Hughes Charitable Foundation Bursary 奧斯汀卓犖慈善基金助學

  2. C-Ching Bursary C-經助學

  3. Mrs. Cheung Woo Po King Memorial Bursary 張胡寶瓊女士紀念助學

  4. Mr. Law Kar Ping Bursary 羅家坪先生助學

  5. Mr. Ma Hung Kie & Mrs. Ma Liu Suk Yin Memorial Bursary Fund 鴻賢助學金

  6. The KJ & HK Charitable Trust Bursary 輦穎雄基金助學金

  7. Mr. Lai Tat Bursary for the Department of Chinese Language and Literature 黎達先生中國語言及文學系助學金 (Only for students majoring in Chinese Language and Literature)

  8. Ms. Leung Chui Han Bursary for the Department of Philosophy 梁趣嫺女士哲學系助學金 (Only for students majoring in Philosophy)

  9. Sparkle of Hope Bursary 一點光明助學金 (Preference is given to student majoring in Medicine)

  10. Lui Ming Memorial Bursary 呂明紀念助學金



All full-time local students with financial needs are eligible to apply. As the scheme serves as a supplement to the financial assistance schemes of the Government and the University, priority would be given to students who have already applied for those schemes. For students who did not apply for Government or University financial assistance schemes, the College may give special consideration if a valid reason could be provided.


Types and Amount of Assistance

Assistance would be offered in the form of bursaries. The amount of assistance awarded to each successful applicant is determined by the extent to which the applicant’s basic study and living expenses can be covered by Government and University assistance, his/her family and personal resources, and funds available for disbursement.


Application Procedures

Applicants are required to submit the below before the application deadline:

1.      Online application (click here to proceed)

2.      Application form (click here to download)

3.      A full copy of your TSFS / FASP application 2020/21 which includes:

   I.      Acknowledgment or receipt of you application submitted online to Student Finance Office

   II.     Copies of income proof of ALL your working family members you attached to your application

   III.      Copies of bank account statement of ALL your family members you attached to your application

   IV.      Any other relevant documents (e.g. Proofs of housing cost or medical expenses) you attached to your application

4.      Other relevant documents (e.g. medical bills in the past 12 months)

To reduce the risk of spreading the novel coronavirus, please submit your supporting documents via email to in PDF format before the deadline. 

Selection and Announcement of Results

Application would be paper-vetted in the first instance. If necessary, applicants may be invited to attend an interview in October or November for further assessment. Results would be announced by December via email. Payment would be made by the end of the following January.



Ms. Karen Wong (Tel: 3943-8615; Email:

Ms. Edith Tsang (Tel: 3943-7944; Email:


Important Note: Students who have missed the application deadline but have urgent financial needs could contact Ms. Edith Tsang directly for assistance anytime throughout the year.