

Office NAH 404
Office Tel. 3943 7662
Email sidneycheung@cuhk.edu.hk
Educational qualification Japanese Language Certificate, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan.
BA, Sociology, Chiba University, Japan.
MA, Cultural Anthropology, Osaka University, Japan.
PhD, Cultural Anthropology, Osaka University, Japan


Prof. Sidney C.H. Cheung received scholarships given by Japanese Government/Monbusho (1984-94) for his undergraduate, masters and doctoral programmes and his anthropological training in Japan. He is the Professor and Director of the Centre for Cultural Heritage Studies. He has been doing research about freshwater fish farming in Hong Kong in order to understand the fishermen and their perspectives on environmental change, sustainable development and wetland conservation. Currently, he is working on an ongoing multi-site research project exploring the impact of the move of American crayfish from the U.S. to Asia and on the global consumption and production of crayfish in China, Japan, and the U.S. Besides academic publications, Cheung was co-hosting three RTHK radio programmes entitled: 《港飲食、講文化 (Hong Kong Foodways and Culture)》 in 2004, 《文化非主流 (Culture Unconventional)》 in 2005 and 《考飲考食》in 2017/2018, through which he was able to bring anthropological perspectives to the audience. Again, some of his research findings were used for the RTHK documentary series of 《香港故事 (Hong Kong Stories) 》 such as [年年有魚] and [東江逆流] in 2008.

Research interests

Visual anthropology, anthropology of tourism, cultural heritage, food and identity, social change and aquaculture development, Ainu-Japanese relations, coastal communities, incense traditions.

Geographical areas of research

Japan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Southeast Aisa, USA.

Courses taught

ANTH 2370/ GENA 2362 Intangible Heritage in Hong Kong
ANTH 3370/ ANTH 5370 Tourism and Culture
ANTH 3350/ ANTH 5365 Food and Culture

Other positions held

Internal positions held

Director, BA Programme of Cultural Management, Faculty of Arts

Director, Centre for Cultural Heritage Studies

Associate Director (responsible to Centre of Urban History, Culture and Media), Institute of Future Cities (IOFC).

External positions held

Osaka University Global Alumni Fellow, Osaka University, Japan

Visiting Fellow, BA Degree programme of Cultural Tourism and Festival Management, Community College of City University/UOW College Hong Kong

Committee member of the Hong Kong Marine Ecosystem Society (香港海洋生態協會), Hong Kong

(2020-2022) Expert Group member on Lantau Historical and Cultural Heritage Conservation, Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), Hong Kong SAR Government

(2018-2022) Honorary Research Fellow, International Center for Chinese Studies (ICCS), Aichi University (愛知大學), Japan

(2011-2016) Partner, UNESCO Chair Project on Safeguarding and Promoting Cultural Food Heritage held by Tours University, France

Editorial board memberships

International Journal of Heritage Studies 

Asian Anthropology 

Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture《中國飲食文化》

American Ethnologist

Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science

Journal of Aquaculture and Fisheries

Consultant and advisory

(2015~2018) Intangible Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee member, the Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR Government

(2008~2020) Honorary Expert Advisor (Ethnography) of the Museums, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong SAR Government


Organizer of conferences and panels recently held

(2020)  Member of the Organizing Committee, AAS in Asia, CUHK, Hong Kong.

(2018)  (Invited) Member of the Technical Program Committee of the International Conference Florence Heri-Tech – The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies, to be held in Villa Vittoria – Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, 16-18 May, 2018.

(2018)  (Invited) Member of the Scientific Committee, “PLACES OF FAITH 2018 – International Conference on Cultural, Political, Socio-Economic, Artistic and Architectural Expressions of Religion”, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, on April 2018.

(2016)  (Invited) Member of the Scientific Committee, The 5th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, organized by the Greenline Institute, held at Lisbon, Portugal, 5-8 July, 2016.

(2015) Member of the Conference Committee, The 13th Symposium on Chinese Dietary Culture 《第十四屆中國飲食文化學術研討會》on Chinese Food Culture in Europe: French Food Culture in Asia, organized by Foundation of Chinese Dietary Culture (Taiwan) <中華飲食文化基金會>, jointly organized by Tours University and Graduate Institute of Taiwan Food Culture, NKUHT, held in Tours, France, October 12-15, 2015.

(2014) Member of the Scientific Committee, The 3rd International Conference UNITWIN UNESCO Network “Culture, Tourism, Development” centred on Tourism and Gastronomy Heritage: Foodscapes, Cuisine and Gastronomy Tourism Destinations to be held at Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 16-19 June, 2014.

Selected publications
Forthcoming General Editor, Berkshire Encyclopedia of Chinese Cuisines, Volumes 1-5. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group.
2015 Co-editor,《公路上的人類學家》(Anthropologists on the Road) ,和駱吉婷合編。香港:野外動向出版,160頁。
2014 Editor, Rethinking Asian Food Heritage. Taipei: Foundation of Chinese Dietary Culture (Taiwan) <中國飲食文化基金會(台灣)>, 313 pages.
2013 (Co-edited with Chau Hing Wah) The Proceedings of the International Conference on Foodways and Heritage: A Perspective of Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. Hong Kong: Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 378 pages.
2012 《上環印記》。香港 :野外動向出版,100頁。(Link)
2009 公路上的廚師》。香港 :次文化堂,192頁。(網上媒體介紹)
2009 漁翁移山 :香港本土漁業民俗誌》。香港:上書局出版社 ,145頁。
2007 (Co-edited with Tan Chee Beng) Food and Foodways in Asia: Resource, Tradition and Cooking. London and New York: Routledge Press, 240 pages. (Co-author of the Introduction: Food and Foodways in Asia, pp. 1-10; and wrote the chapter: Fish in the Marsh: A Case Study of Freshwater Fish Farming in Hong Kong, pp. 37-50.)
2002 (Co-edited with David Wu) The Globalization of Chinese Food. Surrey: RoutledgeCurzon Press, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 195 pages. (Co-author of the Introduction: The Globalization of Chinese Food and Cuisine–Markers and Breakers of Cultural Barriers, pp. 1-18; and wrote two chapters: Food and Cuisine in a Changing Society: Hong Kong, pp. 100-112, The Invention of Delicacy: Cantonese Food in Yokohama Chinatown, pp. 170-182.)
2001 (Co-edited with Tan Chee Beng and Yang Hui) Tourism, Anthropology and China. Bangkok: White Lotus Press, 334 pages. (Wrote the chapter: Preservation and Tourism Development in Hong Kong: An Anthropological Perspective, pp. 257-270.)
Edited Journals
2010 (Guest Editor) (中國農業和飲食新口味專輯)《中國飲食文化》,第6期, 第2號。
2006 (Guest Editor) Visual Anthropology (Special Issue on Wedding Photography in East Asia), vol.19 no.1.
Book chapters and journal articles
Forthcoming Hybridity and Authenticity in Global East Asian Food. In Global East Asia. Frank Pieke, Alexis Dudden and Koichi Iwabuchi eds. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Forthcoming 豉油小碟裏的香港:從生曬醬油到港製頭抽 (和王迪安合著)。《醬.文化: 記憶、技藝與身體 》。陳建源編。台灣:中興大學出版。
2021 The Sublime in Scent: A Comparative Study of Japanese Kodo and Chinese Incense Tradition in the 21st Century. Asian Education and Development Studies, vol.10, no.1, pp.95-104. (view online)
2020 回味無窮:海味乾貨的時空之旅。《東南西北文咸街》。鄭宏泰、周文港合編。香港:中華書局,頁32-49。
2020 Reflections on the Historical Construction of Huaiyang Cuisine: A Study on the Social Development of Shanghai Foodways in Hong Kong. Global Food History, vol.6, no.2, pp.128-142. (view online)
2019 香港養蠔業和小區韌性的探討 (Understanding Oyster Cultivation and Community Resilience in Hong Kong)。《原生態民族文化学刊 Journal of Original Ecological National Culture》,第11期,第5號,頁37-42。
2019 Floating Mountain in Pearl River: A Study of Oyster Cultivation and Food Heritage in Hong Kong. Asian Education and Development Studies, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 433-442.
2019 Foreword. In American Chinese Restaurants: Society, Culture and Consumption. Jenny Banh and Liu Haiming Liu eds. London, New York: Routledge, pp. xvii-xviii.
2019 Local Knowledge Transfer in Hong Kong through Gastronomy, Agriculture and Tourism. In The Routledge Handbook of Gastronomic Tourism (Routledge International Handbooks). Saurabh Kumar Dixit ed. London, New York: Routledge, pp. 272-279.
2019 一九五七。香港關鍵詞:想像新未來。朱耀偉編。香港:香港中文大學出版社,頁69-76 
2018 香港客家飲食文化的探討。博物館與客家研究。張維安、何金樑、河合洋尚合編。客家委員會客家文化發展中心(苗栗縣三灣鄉)桂冠圖書,頁235-248 
2018 豉油小碟裏的香港:從生曬醬油到港製頭抽 (和王迪安合著)。(專題:亞洲醬油文化;陳建源編)《中國飲食文化》 ,第14期,第2號,頁215-237
2017 跨國香文化遺產在亞洲:當所有的木材都煙消雲散。微物史觀與地方社會。王嵩山與余瓊宜合編。台灣:文化部文化資產局與逢甲大學,頁13-19
2017 New Orleans, New Territories. In Hong Kong Culture and Society in the New Millennium: Hong Kong As Method. The Humanities in Asia Series V.4. Stephen Chu Yiu Wai ed., Singapore: Springer Verlag, pp. 79-90.
2016 (with Luo Jiting) “Modernology”, Food Heritage and Neighbourhood Tourism: The Example of Sheung Wan, Hong KongIn Food Tourism and Regional Development: Networks, Products and Trajectories, C. Michael Hall and Gossling Stefan eds. London and New York: Routledge Press, pp. 145-155.
2015 Making Hong Kong’s Coastal Wetland a Resource for Tourism Development: A Cross-cultural and Multi-disciplinary Project to Understand Historical Background and Coastal Heritage. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, issue no. 35, pp. 26-31.
2015 Cajun Crayfish to Spicy Little Lobster: A Tale of Local Culinary Politics in a Third-Tier City in China. In Globalization and Asian Cuisines: Transnational Networks and Contact Zones, James Farrer ed. New York: Palgrave MacMillan Press, pp. 209-228.
2015 The Social Life of American Crayfish in Asia. In Tasteful Trends: Identity, Power and the Mobility of East Asian Food, Kwang-ok Kim ed. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 221-237.
2013 “Modernology”, Cultural Heritage and Neighbourhood Tourism: The Example of Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (with Luo Jiting). SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, no.31, pp.12-20.
2013 From Foodways to Intangible Heritage: A Case Study of Chinese Culinary Resource, Retail and Recipe in Hong Kong. International Journal of Heritage Studies, vol.19, no.4, pp.353-364.
2011 The Politics of Wetlandscape: Fishery Heritage and Natural Conservation in Hong Kong. International Journal of Heritage Studies, vol.17, no.1, pp.36-45.
2010 The Social Life of American Crayfish in Asia. In Globalization, Food and Social Identities in the Asia Pacific Region, James Farrer ed. (online publication) Tokyo, Japan: Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, 2010. (available at: http://icc.fla.sophia.ac.jp/global%20food%20papers/)
2010 From Foodways to Intangible Heritage: A Case Study of Chinese Culinary Resource, Recipes and Restaurants. In The Proceedings of the Heritage 2010: Heritage and Sustainable Development (2 Volumes), Rogerio Amoeda, Sergio Lira, and Cristina Pinheiro eds. Barcelos, Portugal: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, pp. 795-800.
2010 禍福從天降:南京小龍蝦的環境政治。《中國飲食文化》第6期,第2號 ,頁1-34。
2010 Chinese Food in Japanese Society. In Regionalism and Globalism in Chinese Culinary Culture, David Holm ed. The Chinese Dietary Cultures Research Series. Taipei: Foundation of Chinese Dietary Culture (Taiwan), pp.117-146.
2009 Japanese maina-shikou: From Hong Kong Cuisine to Chinese Tea. Asia Japan Journal, vol. 4, pp.41-52. (http://www.a-jrc.jp/publications)
2009 Gastronomy and Tourism: A Case Study of Gourmet Country-style Cuisine in Hong Kong. In Asia on Tour: Exploring the Rise of Asian Tourism, Tim Winter, Peggy Teo and T.C. Chang eds. London and New York: Routledge Press, pp.264-273.
2008 飲食人類學。《人類學 》,陳剛、招子明編。《 西方人文社科前沿述評》系列叢書,北京 :中國人民大學出版社,頁240-254。
2008 Wetland Tourism in Hong Kong: From Birdwatcher to Mass Ecotourist. In Asian Tourism: Growth and Change (Advances in Tourism Research Series), Janet Cochrane ed. London: Elsevier Science, pp.259-267.
2008 A Path to World Culture: The Politics of Ainu Heritage in Japan. In The Proceedings of the Heritage 2008: World Heritage and Sustainable Development. Volume I & II, Rogerio Amoeda, Sergio Lira, Cristina Pinheiro, Filipe Pinheiro and Joao Pinheiro eds. Barcelos, Portugal: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, pp.81-89.
2007 香港漁民組織的角色變遷。《 二十一世紀》雙月刊,第103期,頁103-110。
2006 香港新界后海灣淡水魚業的社會發展史。劉兆強合著。《中國飲食文化》第2期,第2號,頁97-120。
2006 Visualizing Marriage in Hong Kong. Visual Anthropology (Special Issue on Wedding Photography in East Asia), vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 21-37.
2005 Rethinking Ainu Heritage: A Case Study of an Ainu Settlement in Hokkaido, Japan. International Journal of Heritage Studies, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 197-210.
2005 Traditional Dwellings, Conservation and Land Use: A Study of Three Villages in Sai Kung, Hong Kong. Journal of The Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. 43, pp. 1-14.
2005 Consuming “Low” Cuisine after Hong Kong’s Handover: Village Banquets and Private Kitchens, Asian Studies Review (Special Issue on Edgy Things: Negotiating Borders and Identity in Asian Material Culture), vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 259-273.
2005 Food for Tourists: Second Menus, Special Menus and Specific Menus. Cultura y Desarrollo No. 4 (Special Issue on Cultural Diversity and Tourism) Havana, Cuba and Columbia: UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean, (also in French, and Spanish) pp. 60-68.
2005 香港客家菜館與「正宗東江菜」。《香港客家》,劉義章編。《客家區域文化叢書》, 桂林 : 廣西師範大學出版社,頁 192-205。
2005 返還後の香港広東料理。特集「世界の中華料理」『アジア遊學』, 77: 34-44.
2005 Advertising Modernity: Home, Space and Privacy (with Eric K.W. Ma). Visual Anthropology, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 65-80.
2004 Keeping the Wetland Wet: How to Integrate Natural and Cultural Heritage Preservation. MUSEUM International, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 29-37. (in Arabic, English, French, Russian, and Spanish)
2004 Japanese Anthropology and Depictions of the Ainu. In The Making of Anthropology in East and Southeast Asia, Shinji Yamashita, Joseph Bosco, and J. S. Eades eds. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 136-151.
2003 Remembering through Space: The Politics of Heritage in Hong Kong. International Journal of Heritage Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 7-26.
2003 Ainu Culture in Transition. Futures: The Journal of Policy, Planning and Futures Studies, vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 951-959.
2003 中國のある古美術品取引の觀察。『中國21』,17: 51-66.
2001 Hakka Restaurants: A Study of the Consumption of Food in Post-war Hong Kong Society. In Changing Chinese Foodways in Asia. David Y. H. Wu and Tan Chee Beng eds., Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pp. 81-95.
2000 Men, Women and “Japanese” as Outsiders: A Case Study of Postcards with Ainu Images. Visual Anthropology, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 227-255.
2000 Martyrs, Mystery and Memory Behind a Communal Hall. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 29-39.
1999 The Meanings of a Heritage Trail in Hong Kong. Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 570-588.
1996 Change of Ainu Images in Japan: A Reflexive Study of Pre-war and Post-war Photo-images of Ainu. Visual Anthropology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-24.






給阿寒湖的情書 (Love Letter to Lake Akan)。《Hong Kong Discovery野外動向》 ,第73期,頁49-57,November/December,2012

新奧爾良,新界 (New Orleans, New Territories)。《Hong Kong Discovery野外動向》 ,第68期,頁14-47,January/February,2012

尋香記 (A Fragrant Legend)。《Hong Kong Discovery野外動向》 ,第63期,頁102-109, 2011

Research grants

(2012) Knowledge Transfer Project, RGC, “Wetland Tourism in Four Seasons: Perspectives from Landscape, Foodways and Community Lifestyles.” 2013/2014. ()

(2011) Knowledge Transfer Project, RGC, “Learning from Neighbourhood Tourism in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.” 2011/2012.

(2010) GRF Grant, RGC, “The Social Life of American Crayfish in Three Cultures.” 2010/2012.

(2010) Direct Grant, CUHK, “The Trade of Incense in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.” 2010/2011.

(2008) Direct Grant, CUHK, “The Rippling Effects on Crayfish Farming in Three Cultures.” 2008/2009.

(2005) CERG Earmarked Research Grant, RGC, “The Threat of Obsolescence to the Freshwater Fish Farming in Hong Kong.” 2005/2007.

Radio programmes

2017   香港電台第五台:[考飲考食 (All About Food)] 主持,Thursday,21:00-22:00,September 2017-May 2018

2011   香港電台第五台:[世界長河(Stories of Rivers in the World)] 主持, 15集,Thursday 9:00-10:00,February-June,2011。

2005   香港電台第五台:[文化非主流] 主持, 16集,Tuesday 9:00-10:00,May-September,2005。

2004   香港電台第五台:[港飲食、講文化] 主持,15集,Tuesday 9:00-10:00,June-September,2004。

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