Announcement of 626th Bi-weekly Assembly

Recruitment of Student Helpers for Assistance 2020/2021
The College now recruits students to provide assistance for the College in administrative work and events, in a bid to enable them to gain working experience and to strengthen their sense of belonging to the College.
Interested students can submit online application at the College website and the application deadline is 30 September 2020 (Wednesday).
College students who have registered in the previous academic year are expected to register again for work in the academic year 2020/2021. They are also required to register in the Student Helper System (Navigation Path: MyCUHK > CUSIS and MyStudy > Student Helper Registration) in order to be eligible for engaging in campus work.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Amy Yip of the Dean of Students’ Office at 3943-1619 or .
New Asia College Mentorship Programme 2020/21
By joining the programme, you can:
• Expand your network by knowing alumni with different expertise, you would also learn from their life experiences sharing;
• Share common interests, organize activities to exchange experiences;
• Expand your friend zone in New Asia College;
• We welcome International students (we are recruiting English speaking mentors), hoping to promote cultural exchange.
The College will organize a Career Talks Day to provide career information of different fields to the mentees. All students of New Asia College are welcome to join the Programme.
Online Application:
Deadline for application: 25 September 2020
Enquiries: Mr. Kelvin Cheung of the Dean of Students’ Office (Tel.: 3943-9680; E-mail: