Background, Vision and Mission
College General Education is regarded as a key component of the holistic university education. The Committee is responsible for all credit-bearing general education courses provided by the College.
(A) Terms of Reference
1. To plan and supervise all general education courses of the College;
2. To ensure the proposed courses are aligned with the learning objectives of the
University General Education Programme, and to make recommendations to the Senate
Committee on General Education (SCGE) thereon;
3. To monitor the teaching and learning quality of New Asia College General Education courses.
(B) Composition
1. The Committee consists of a maximum of 15 members, excluding the student representatives;
2. The Chairperson is appointed by the Assembly of Fellows, while the Secretary is appointed
by the College Secretary.
(C) Meeting Schedule
1. Two meetings will normally be convened in each academic year;
2. The Chairperson may convene other ad hoc meeting(s) if necessary.
12 January 2017