Subsidy Scheme for Summer Study Abroad (For online programmes only)

 A.      Objectives

This scheme aims to encourage students to enrich their learning experience and to broaden their horizon by attending summer schools in various overseas universities. The College hopes that such experiences can enable students to deepen their understanding of different culture of places worldwide, develop mutual understanding and foster exchange between universities. This subsidy Scheme is funded by "The KJ & HK Charitable Trust Overseas Exchange Scholarships" and "New Asia College Alumni Golf Association (NAGAA) Summer Exchange Scholarships".(Due to COVID19, for 2020-21 only specified online programmes would be sponsored under this scheme)


(Click to enlarge)

B.      Eligibility

a.       All New Asia College students (except final-year students whose expected graduation is 2020-21 2nd-term)

b.       Good academic and disciplinary standing

c.       English Proficiency (particularly for studying in English speaking countries)


D.      Available programmes (for its online courses only)

- Harvard Summer School (available online courses)
- Oxford Summer School (
available online courses)
- LSE Summer School (
available online courses)
- PKU Summer School International (
available online courses)

Before the application, students are advised to check the website of the respective university for the following detailed information:
1) Application deadline(s),
2) Admission requirements (especially English language requirements),
3) Available online courses and schedule ((whether live classes or recorded classes provided)
4) Assessment method and transcript arrangement,
5) Fees and payment deadline

*For the most updated information, please refer to the official website of the host universities for each programme, or contact the programme coordinators for enquiries.

E.      Application Procedures

           a. Submit Online Application from 8 - 26 March 2021.


           b. Copies of IELTS or TOEFL report (if any), should be submitted through the online application by uploading
               supporting documents.

           c. Screening of application and recommendation of grant will be based on the following criteria:

                        1. Academic performance

                        2. Priority will be given to those students without overseas exchange experience

           d. Successful applicants will be informed individually by email on 2 April 2021.

           e. Students are required to apply for the summer programmes by themselves and inform the college once their enrollments
                are confirmed by the host universities.

            f. Caution money of HK$1,500 shall be payable by successful applicants after receiving the notification from the

               College. Failure in registration for the summer schools without a proper reason may result in the forfeiture of the caution



F.      Scholarship from the College


The College will sponsor 20 students. Each participating student would receive a scholarship, namely The KJ & HK Charitable Trust Overseas Exchange Scholarship or New Asia College Alumni Golf Association (NAGAA) Summer Exchange Scholarship, depending on the programme and number of course(s) being passed.


Pass 1 course    
 Pass 2 courses
                Harvard Summer School   
 HK10,000  HK20,000
                Oxford Summer School  HK5,000  HK10,000
                LSE Summer School  HK10,000  HK20,000
                PKU Summer School International   
 HK5,000  HK10,000

             * Students are encouraged to transfer courses and credits back to CUHK, but it is not necessarily required under this scheme.
               If students intend to transfer credits, they will need to check with their department/faculty of home university that the course
               meets their credit requirements before applying for the programme.


G.      Disbursement of Funds


Upon completion of the summer course(s), applicants have to fulfil the following requirements in order to be eligible for the scholarship:


a. Submit the softcopy of the official transcript (which can show student name, the courses taken and its passing grades) issued by the host universities as a proof of completing the registered courses.

b. Submit the course outlines and class schedule.

c. Submit a financial report and softcopies receipts (registration fee, tuition fee etc.) relevant to the programme.

d. Submit a study report (in English; including self-reflection) of 1,000 words, and photos (if any) with captions featuring the learning experience (The College reserves the right to edit the report for publication).

e. Assist the College in the promotion of cultural exchange activities (such as to share with other College students their learning experience).




Mr. Jack Wong

Dean of Students’ Office
