Short Video Competition

“Rediscovering My Traditional Culture through Different Languages”
Short Video Competition 2021

General Guidelines of the Competition


A.    Introduction:
One of the main aims of the Committee on Language and Culture (LACC) of New Asia College is to promote language learning and encourage intercultural exchanges among students from around the world.  In lieu of the current pandemic situation and our aim, LACC would like to roll out a new video competition for all New Asia College students to share your culture through a short video no matter where you are currently located. To join this competition, you just need simple equipment, like your mobile phones, to film a short 3- to 5-minute original video related to your traditional culture in English, Cantonese or Putonghua. The video can be submitted as an individual or a group.

B.    Theme:

Traditional Cultures from around the World

C.    Objectives:
This competition aims to offer a platform for New Asia College students to:
1.    apply your inquiry-driven skills gained from your university education to acquire knowledge outside of your major field of study (Academic excellence)
2.    gain a better understanding of your own or other people’s cultures (social science) and the humanities (film-making) through expressions of ideas in a creative medium (Broad-based education)
3.    strengthen your English, Cantonese or Putonghua speaking skills by giving a short documentary in your work of art (Competencies and capacity building)
4.    develop an international outlook and appreciation for cultural diversity as you create the video or watch the videos (International outlook)
5.    contribute to the community by raising participants’ and public awareness about cultures and the impact on the society (Ethical standards and compassion)

D.    Target students:
All current New Asia College students are eligible to join. Individual or group submission (not more than five people/team) is welcomed. Each student can only submit one video regardless of whether it is an individual or group submission.

E.    Prizes:

Champion (1 place/team): 
HK$4000 cash and certificate of participation
First runner-up (1 place/team):
HK$2000 cash and certificate of participation
Second runner-up (1 place/team):
HK$1000 cash and certificate of participation
Consolation (2 places/teams): HK$500 cash and certificate of participation
Most Popular Video Award (1 place/team):
HK$3000 cash and certificate of participation


All participants will receive a certificate of participation.

F.    General requirements:
The 3- to 5-minute video must be an “original” work of art in relation to one traditional culture of your choice. (Traditional culture can be defined as experiences that are passed down from generation to generation.) The video must be shot and produced by the whole team, and if you need to use materials belonging to others in your video, you must comply with both the copyright and fair use policies.

The copyright of the “original” work of art rests with LACC New Asia College and the content creator(s) who hold the intellectual property rights to the original work. The completed short videos might be screened for free on campus to showcase the work of art.

G.    Submission of entries and public voting:

1.    Video submission starts from 1 March till 11 April, through the following online form:
2.    Public voting starts from 15 April at 13:00 to 30 April before 13:00 on our LACC Facebook page.
3.    Judges scoring starts from 15 April to 30 April.
4.    Each entry (individual or group) will be voted or scored as one piece of work. There is no difference between individual or group entry.

H.    Submission method:
1.    Log in with your CUHK Student ID and OnePass password and complete the above online form.
2.    Fill in the form with your contact details, your video’s logline, and a link to the original video file.
3.    Once the online form is completed and submitted, no further changes are allowed. The video submitted is considered the final version for the competition.

I.    Rules and regulations:

1.    The video must be between 3 and 5 minutes in English, Cantonese or Putonghua.
2.    Each individual or team must complete all their personal information with the correct student ID in the online submission form.
3.    The submitted video must be an original work without copyright infringement. If a third party owns any materials, and the materials are used in the video, the entrant must seek relevant written consent from the owner before use. Otherwise, the entry will be disqualified, and the contest-winning result might be revoked. The College and the LACC have no liability in relation to the entrants’ submitted videos.
4.    Copyrights of all submitted videos belong to LACC, New Asia College. LACC reserves the rights to:
       a.    use the submitted videos for non-profit making purposes
       b.    edit, translate, adapt, use, copy and distribute all or parts of the content without getting consent from the owner or paying any fees to the entrants.
5.    LACC’s decision regarding the winners is final.
6.    In case of disputes, LACC’s decision shall be the final decision.
7.    LACC reserves all rights to amend the terms and conditions and rules and regulations of the competition without prior notice.
8.    Personal information provided by entrants would be used for the competition only.
9.    Entrants will automatically accept the above terms and conditions once a video is submitted with a completed online form.

J.    Conditions of video entries:
1.    The duration of each video is from 3 to 5 minutes.
2.    The resolution of each video should not be lower than 720x576 pixels (4:3) or 720x480 pixels (16:9)

K.    Judging criteria:

1.    LACC Committee will judge and award the champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up and consolation winners with the criteria below:
       a.    Content (30%)
       b.    Creativity (30%)
       c.    Language (20%)
       d.    Filming Skills (20%)
2.    The ‘Most Popular Video’ award will be awarded to the video with the most ‘likes’ on our LACC Facebook page during the designated voting time.

L.    Announcement of results:
1.    The competition results will be announced on New Asia College’s website and LACC Facebook page around mid-May 2021.
2.    All winners will be notified by email within May 2021.




--> To download the full version of "General Guidelines of the Competition" from here

--> Online submission form: (Deadline: 11 April 2021)


Mr. Jason Yeung / Mr. Cesario Ho

Dean of Students’ Office

3943-7612 / 3943-7621