Committee on Student Discipline

Prof. WAN Yau Heng Tom

Deputy Chairperson

Prof. NGAI To


CHEUNG Kam Siu Kenneth  Prof. CHONG Tai Leung Terence  Prof. CHUNG Tsz Shun Eric 
Prof. LAI Ming Chiu  Prof. LAM Hon Ming  Miss LUK Man Chung Jean  
Prof. SHU Ching Tat Chester   Prof. SO York Kee Clement  Prof. SUM Kim Wai Raymond
Dr. WAI Sen Mun Maria 
2 student representatives from College Student Union


 Effective Date : 01 August 2020

(A)     Terms of Reference

          1.    To handle student disciplinary cases according to the “Procedures for Handling Student Disciplinary Cases” 

                    set by the Senate Committee on Student Discipline of the University, as part of the process of educating 

                    students of the College who may have violated any rules/regulations of the University or who may have 

                    committed any misconduct, so as to make them realize and correct any mistakes;  

          2.     To conduct investigations for handling all matters pertaining to the discipline of all students of the College 

                     in accordance with the relevant University Regulations;
          3.     To recommend concerned students to receive counselling services when necessary;
          4.     To be accountable to the Assembly of Fellows.


(B)     Composition
          1.     Up to 15 members (excluding student representatives);
          2.     The Chairperson is appointed by the Assembly of Fellows, while the Secretary is appointed by 

                     the College Secretary.


(C)     Meeting Schedule
          The Chairperson calls for meetings whenever needed.



        12 January 2017