姚大衛 教授

DavidYew s

姚大衛 教授

職位 客座教授
辦公室 香港中文大學崇基學院李慧珍樓101室
電話 (852) 3943 4140
傳真 (852) 3942 0941
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  1. PhD, Wayne State University, USA
  2. Dr. Sc. Med, Dr. Med (habil), Universität Rostock, Germany


  1. Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Professor of Anatomy, CUHK


  1. Neuroscience
  2. Toxicity
  3. Clinical Anatomy


  1. Over 300 research papers. Over 20 books/ book chapters
  2. Recent book: “Ketamine – use and misuse” by CRC Press, USA


  1. Fellow of Society of Biology, UK
  2. Fellow of Royal Society of Health, UK
  3. Fellow of Anatomical Society, UK
  4. Fellow of American Association of Anatomists, USA
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