鍾志豪 教授

Vincent Chung

鍾志豪 教授

職位 發展部主任
辦公室 香港中文大學崇基學院李慧珍樓101-C室
電話 (852) 3943 3446
傳真 (852) 3942 0941
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  1. 2005 香港浸會大學中醫學及生物醫學學士(一級榮譽)
  2. 2015 英國牛津大學循證醫學碩士
  3. 2009 香港中文大學公共衛生學博士


  1. 2014-至今 香港中文大學 香港中西醫結合醫學研究所 召集人(教育)
  2. 2018-至今 國際補充醫學研究學會 (ISCMR) 董事會成員
  3. 2014-至今 澳洲悉尼科技大學 榮譽客座研究員
  4. 2018-至今 中醫中藥發展委員會 非官方委員
  5. 2018-至今 中醫醫院籌劃使用者委員會成員
  6. 2018-至今 香港中醫藥管理委員會中醫組 註冊事務小組委員
  7. 2018-至今 中國中西醫結合學會循證醫學專業委員會 委員
  8. 2008 劍橋大學及李約瑟研究所 客座博士研究生


  1. 網上學習課程平台 Coursera 英語中醫課程「日常中醫藥」項目負責人
  2. 網上資料庫「證視中西醫理」項目負責人
  3. BCME6506 針灸學研究方法
  4. BCME 5305 現代醫學科學II
  5. 中醫藥學哲學博士


  • 中醫及結合醫學的診斷學研究和隨機試驗
  • 中醫及結合醫學與循證醫學的整合和應用
  • 中醫及結合醫學的政策和實施研究

Potential of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine for promoting healthy ageing

Data Driven Identification and Classification of Chinese Medicine Syndrome Types among Functional Dyspepsia Patients: Latent Tree Analysis [Under the competitive Health and Medical Research Fund Research Fellowship Scheme]

Electroacupuncture plus Standard Care for Managing Refractory Functional Dyspepsia: Pragmatic Randomized Trial with Economic Evaluation

Electroacupuncture and Wrist Splinting for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Randomized Trial Primary Care Setting

Identifying priority research questions for addressing unmet cancer palliative care needs using Chinese medicine with a systematic approach

Systematic Review on the Efficacy and Effectiveness of Chinese Medicine Intervention for Cancer Palliative Care

Development of the Chinese version of MYMOP for Chinese medicine service evaluation

Assessing quality of tripartite Chinese medicine outpatient services from primary care perspective

A Comparison on the Reliability of Two Quality of Clinical Evidence Assessment Approaches: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Evaluating the comparative effectiveness of pharmacological interventions for the management of cancer related fatigue: Systematic review of randomized controlled trials with network meta-analysis


  1. Wu, I. X., Wong, C. H., Ho, R. S., Cheung, W. K., Ford, A. C., Wu, J. C., ... & Chung, V. C. (2019). Acupuncture and related therapies for treating irritable bowel syndrome: overview of systematic reviews and network meta-analysis. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology, 12, 1-34.
  2. Ho, R. S., Chung, V. C., Wong, C. H., Wu, J. C., Wong, S. Y., & Wu, I. X. (2017). Acupuncture and related therapies used as add-on or alternative to prokinetics for functional dyspepsia: overview of systematic reviews and network meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 10320.
  3. Chung, V. C., Ho, R. S., Liu, S., Chong, M. K., Leung, A. W., Yip, B. H., ... & Lau, A. Y. (2016). Electroacupuncture and splinting versus splinting alone to treat carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Canadian Medical Association Journal, cmaj-151003.
  4. Chung, V. C., Ho, R. S., Wu, X., & Wu, J. C. (2016). Incorporating traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation in randomized trials: methodological issues. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 8(6), 898-904.
  5. Chung, V. C., Wu, X., Hui, E. P., Ziea, E. T., Ng, B. F., Ho, R. S., ... & Wu, J. C. (2015). Effectiveness of Chinese herbal medicine for cancer palliative care: overview of systematic reviews with meta-analyses. Scientific Reports, 5, 18111.

  1. Brosnan, C., Chung, V. C., Zhang, A. L., & Adams, J. (2016). Regional Influences on Chinese Medicine Education: Comparing Australia and Hong Kong. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2016.
  2. Chung, V. C., Wong, S. Y., Wang, H. H., Wong, M. C., Wei, X., Wang, J., ... & Griffiths, S. M. (2016). Use of traditional and complementary medicine as self-care strategies in community health centers: cross-sectional study in urban Pearl River Delta region of China. Medicine, 95(23).
  3. Chung, V. C., Yip, B. H., Griffiths, S. M., Ellen, L. M., Liu, S., Ho, R. S., ... & Wong, S. Y. (2015). Patients’ experience of Chinese Medicine Primary Care Services: Implications on Improving Coordination and Continuity of Care. Scientific Reports, 5, 18853.
  4. Chung, V. C., Ho, R. S., Wu, X., Fung, D. H., Lai, X., Wu, J. C., & Wong, S. Y. (2015). Are meta-analyses of Chinese herbal medicine trials trustworthy and clinically applicable? A cross-sectional study. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 162, 47-54.
  5. Chung, V. C. (2014). Conceptualizing the integration of traditional and complementary medicine in health systems: patients, policies, professions and providers. In Routledge Handbook of Global Public Health in Asia (pp. 631-642). Routledge.
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