News Centre

13 Jan 2009

CUHK Science Faculty launches its first Broad-based Admissions Scheme for Life Sciences Disciplines

13 Jan 2009

The Faculty of Science at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) will launch a flexible Broad-based Admissions Scheme for Life Sciences programmes in the 2009/10 academic year. Being the first such scheme of the Faculty of Science, it will allow students to explore their interests in all 6 Life Sciences programmes offered by the faculty during the first year of study before declaring their major study programme.

The 6 participating Life Sciences programmes include Biochemistry, Biology, Environmental Science, Food and Nutritional Sciences, Molecular Biotechnology and the new programme, Cell and Molecular Biology. The 6 Programmes now share one single JUPAS code for both the Joint University Programmes Admissions Scheme (JUPAS) and Early Admissions Scheme (EAS).

Under this new scheme, students do not have to choose any particular programme at the time of admission. They will go through a common set of courses in their first year of study. Thereafter, they can choose their major programme from the 6 Life Sciences disciplines. The admission quota of Life Sciences will be 220, i.e., the combined quota of the 6 programmes, with students admitted having a free choice of their major programme after their first year of study.

“With the launch of this new broad-based admissions scheme, students will have more time to consider before deciding which Life Sciences discipline to pursue,” said Professor Hoi-shan Kwan, Dean of Faculty of Science. “The new scheme gives options to applicants with greater flexibility in making their programme choice. After they are admitted, students will build a broader foundation in Life Sciences disciplines before they proceed to the major studies,” he added.

“We do not have a specific quota for each Life Sciences discipline. Students admitted under this scheme will have a higher chance to pursue their favorite programme when compared to admissions through the programme-based scheme,” he said.

Prospective students may access the website ( for more details about this admissions scheme. Email enquiries can also be sent to