News Centre

22 Mar 2020

CUHK Announces Revised Work Arrangements

22 Mar 2020

In view of the latest development of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University has decided that starting from 23 March (Monday), only limited services will be provided by the departments/units until further notice.  Work arrangements for staff members will be made according to actual needs.  Staff members of individual departments/units will be informed of the specific arrangements for on-site work or work-from-home by their respective heads/supervisors. 

The Faculty of Medicine will make separate announcement regarding work arrangements for its staff.

The University reminds all staff again to stay vigilant against the spread of COVID-19. The risk mitigation measures should be stringently maintained, and all staff should observe social distancing measures to prevent infection. For more information on the University’s measures and policies, please visit the “Act Together Against COVID-19” website.