News Centre
CUHK Announces Gradual Resumption of Services from 2 March
The Chinese University of Hong Kong has decided that online teaching will continue while services and operation of all University Departments/Units will gradually resume to normal from 2 March 2020. Heads of Departments/Units will review the operating environment and may make adjustments or take special measures where appropriate in line with the Government’s advice on prudent management of interpersonal contacts. Staff members will be informed of the work arrangements by their respective Heads of Departments/Units or supervisors accordingly.
Staff members are reminded to refer to the precautionary measures announced by the Committee on Health Promotion and Protection for enhancing personal protection and hygiene. Staff members with special needs (e.g. pregnant staff or staff with long term illness) may discuss with their supervisors for special work arrangements where practicable.
The on-campus shuttle bus service will resume its running schedule (revised and effective from January 2020) on 4 March 2020 and staff members may refer to the announcement of the Transport Office at
The opening hours of campus canteens will be announced on the webpage in due course.
Students and staff are welcome to visit the “CUHK vs COVID-19 Announcements & Actions” and the “FAQs in the Time of COVID-19” website for more information.