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CUHK 55th Anniversary “The Pursuit of Wisdom” Public Lecture SeriesCUHK Professor Lam Hon-Ming Gives the Third Lecture
Professor Lam Hon-Ming, Director of the Centre for Soybean Research and Professor of School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), spoke on the topic “Soybean Research: A Journey from Laboratory to Field” in the third lecture of “The Pursuit of Wisdom” Public Lecture Series on 1 April 2019. The lecture drew over 200 CUHK staff members and students, alumni, secondary school students and members of the public. Professor Lam talked about his experiences and achievements in his field of scientific research. He had a fruitful discussion with the moderators and also took questions from the audience.
Professor Lam Hon-Ming is a pioneer in improving the genetic make-up of soybean to help alleviate the looming problems in world food supply and security. His work has taken him to some of the most poorly endowed regions in China, South Africa, Argentina and other places.
Professor Lam has decoded the genomes of wild and cultivated soybeans to breed the varieties that thrive in adverse environments. After years of study, he realises that it is impossible to go against nature by means of human force. He thinks though the technology in the laboratory is very advanced, but human beings cannot ignore the practical problems encountered by the farmers on the land. People have to become modest when facing the power of nature. As an alumnus of CUHK’s New Asia College, he believes humanity is the underpinning keyword for science and technology.
CUHK “The Pursuit of Wisdom” Public Lecture Series
To celebrate the 55th anniversary of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the University is conducting “The Pursuit of Wisdom” Public Lecture Series which assembles the wisdom, strength and distinction of CUHK experts from across different disciplines and disseminates these in the community. The eight lectures cover various topics including translational medicine, artificial intelligence, food supply and sustainable agriculture, physics and the universe, history and psychology. Outstanding CUHK professors are presenting to the public their research experience and achievements and delivering abstruse knowledge in laymen’s terms.
Free admission and all are welcome. Details of the other five lectures under “The Pursuit of Wisdom” Public Lecture Series can be found here: