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CUHK Prof. John Lui Conferred IEEE and ACM Fellowships
Prof. John Lui Chi-shing, Chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), has been elected fellow by two prestigious engineering organizations, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Professor Lui feels honoured to be conferred with both fellowships and would like to thank his research team for their hard work, ‘I am deeply humbled by the election of ACM and IEEE. In addition, it is a privilege that I can work in CUHK with many colleagues who are transformative figures in science and engineering.’
In 2009, 47 scholars were elected ACM fellows worldwide and Professor Lui is the only one from China. The honour recognizes his extraordinary contributions to stochastic analysis of parallel storage and communication systems. The ACM Fellows Program was established in 1993 with the aim of honouring ACM members who have outstanding technical and professional achievements in information technology. Since its establishment for nearly two decades ago, only about 700 scholars fulfilled the very stringent selection criteria and received the honour. All of whom are internationally renowned computer scientists, such as Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, CUHK Provost; and Prof. Andrew C. C. Yao, CUHK Distinguished Professor-at-Large and winner of the prestigious A.M. Turing Award.
IEEE, the world’s largest professional organization, has also elected Professor Lui as a 2010 fellow in recognition of his outstanding contributions to performance modelling and analysis of storage communication systems and peer-to-peer networks. IEEE has more than 375,000 members in over 160 countries worldwide, all playing a vital role in computer science, electronic engineering, telecommunications and engineering. This year, three Hong Kong scholars were named fellows among 309 IEEE senior members. With Professor Lui added to the list, CUHK now has a total of 26 IEEE fellows.
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Professor Lui received his PhD in computer science from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). After graduation, he joined the IBM San Jose Research Laboratory (presently named Almaden Research Center) to participate in various research and development projects on file systems and parallel I/O architectures. He has been a visiting professor in various computer science departments of world-renowned universities, such as UCLA, Columbia University, University of Maryland at College Park and Purdue University. His research interests are communication networks, network/system security, network economics, large scale distributed systems, mathematical optimization and performance evaluation theory. He currently leads the Advanced Networking & System Research Group formed by research students and post-doctoral fellows to work on networking research problems.
Apart from his research excellence, Professor Lui is also widely recognized for his outstanding teaching, as manifested in his many teaching awards from various departments of CUHK, as well as the CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award in 2000.